Jen Mons Coaching

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Empowered Life Mapping

How do you create change in your life? What do you want for yourself? 

Connect with the feeling of what is that you want for yourself and visualize the way you want to feel,where you want to be, what you want to be doing, and also thinking about the people in your life that are going to be there with you on this life journey that you really desire.

One of the things that I found to be most effective in creating our goals is visualizing and allowing ourselves to feel it in our body. So, rather than just saying it, like really feeling it and embodying the entire feeling on every cell in our body. This is so transformational. 

It's like, for example, think about gratitude, right? We can say, “Oh, I'm thankful for my family.” But if you close your eyes and really allow you to experience the joy that your family brings to you, that's a whole other level of experience and gratitude.

So, this invitation right now is to allow yourself to experience yourself living as if your goals have already been manifested and what it feels like so that you know that it's real. An important part of making sure that we are mindful of creating the goals that we want for ourselves is not only to connect with it, but also to reflect on it. 

One of the things that you can do is journal and sometimes it only takes a few minutes, journaling what it is. Putting it on paper is like the first step of putting it into action. Just writing it down and taking that first action step and to really get clear on what it is that we want.

One of the things that is really helpful is allowing it to be from a place of our core values. Core values are those things that really light us up, the things that just make us so happy in life, it's not even questionable what's important to us. Those can be things like community or health, fun, authenticity, integrity. It can show up as many, many different things and it's going to be different for all of us. But when we can create our goals from a place of what's really true to us, what we really value, it just sets the intention for just being our true self and it makes it more desirable. 

Once you create a goal for yourself that is living in alignment with your core values, remember those things that matter to you most. I recommend finding three to five core values that are really important to you. Those things that just really light you up. Consider your why. So consider the why, consider the what's motivating you. And as you visualize your dreams and your goals, think about setting an anchor in your current life. 

Who's going to support you to get from where you are to where you want to be? It could be a loved one, it could be a spouse, it could be a friend, it could be a coach, it could be a mentor, it could be a teacher who's going to help you and support you. And maybe the support just shows up as somebody witnessing you. Maybe it's just somebody walking by your side, witnessing you, supporting you with positive affirmations and acknowledgement. It could be somebody leading and guiding and supporting you as a coach or a mentor, but who is going to support you. 

Who's not going to support you? Is there anything standing in the way of you getting from where you are to where you want to be to achieve those goals? This is really important. This is not always the easiest step. It's always usually a little bit easier to think about, right, who's going to be my supportive team to get me to where I want to go? Sometimes it takes a little bit more reflection to notice if there are relationships in your life that aren't really supporting you or not serving you. 

Is there anything standing in the way of you achieving your goals? These can often show up as limiting beliefs or fears or blocks that we simply just can't see that can prevent us from getting where we are to where we want to be. We may have the belief that we have limited resources such as time or money or support. As we consider that it's something to do a little bit more deeper work in and just notice how is that really showing up for us? Because we all have the same amount of time during the day and the resource of money is really one of a choice. If you want to see what your core values are, take a look at your credit card bill and you'll see what you're spending your money on. So really just consider where your resources are going and are they in alignment with your core values? Get clear on what's standing in the way of you achieving your goals. 

Also noticing, are there any triggers that might come up for you as you think about what goals you want to create for yourself? So just thinking about the things that are standing in the way and the triggers would be, how do you feel about that? How do you feel about maybe your boss at work not allowing you to leave early so that you can get to your workout class? Or maybe there's someone in your life who comments on the way that you look or the way you feel are the choices that you're making that don't really feel good. So, what are the triggers that show up in your body? Triggers we usually feel in our bodies like it stimulates something that doesn't usually feel good. So, getting really clear on answering all of these questions and creating a goal from your core values, the things that are most important to you, is a really great way to create some goals that are easily achievable because this is what you desire.

Lastly, the most important aspect of setting a goal, which is to create those goals and those dreams that you have for yourself. Figure out the why and the what and the who what's standing in the way and get really clear. And then once you do that, you create some action steps, some action steps to get there. This is a really great place to find some support, maybe an accountability partner, maybe a friend, or maybe use an app on your phone, maybe you get a coach for that. Once you set the goal, take those steps and then release the attachment to the outcome. When we can let go of the judgements and expectations that we place on ourselves, we can still keep ourselves accountable through our action steps. We come to it from a place of compassion which really lets go of the overwhelm. 

Create these goals from a place of compassion and make them realistic. The reason that many of us don't get started is because we're afraid to fail. But if we don't have that expectation of judgment in the first place, if we just really give it up to Grace, like really just decide we're going to trust, we're going to believe in ourselves, we're going to create the goal, we're gonna get some action steps and we're going to do those. We're just not going to get caught up in our head and we're not going to get caught up in our emotions. We're just going to do what we say we're going to do. We're going to make sure that it's really clear and important to us, it's in alignment with our core values, we're going to get out of our own way, we're going to release the attachment to the outcome. Because what happens most of the time is that our expectation or our outcome is actually limiting us. Because most of the time what happens is that what we are capable of is far more than we've given ourselves credit for. 

You can create a vision board with magazine pictures and your goals and your dreams or you can do it through a photo collage on your phone. Some more helpful steps that are going to help you to achieve your goals for this year is just to get really clear when you're creating those action steps on your time management. Create healthy boundaries, really healthy boundaries in all areas of your life, that are serving your highest intention.


Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Begin with the Daily Devotion Journal and 13 Moons Membership

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.