Jen Mons Coaching

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Grow, Create, Share and Prosper

What does grow, create, share and prosper mean for you in your life as a human, as a soul living in this body, in this experience, and how you can apply it to or notice it or be aware of it in different areas of your life.


So the first step is to grow. So what is growing? Growing is kind of that stage, that piece where it doesn't always feel good. You're learning from challenges. You're leaning into the discomfort or maybe you notice that you avoid the discomfort and you're kind of dipping the toe. Maybe relationships are changing with work, with friends, in your marriage, just the way you think, the foods you eat, how you spend your time, your thoughts.

If you're in this stage, you're probably really interested in some level of personal development. You've probably read some books, you're probably following people on social media that are sharing things that you want to believe or that you're curious about. So, everybody else who hasn't gotten to this stage yet, like they're just not even in that growth mindset yet. But if you're doing some of these things, you're already in that growth mindset. You're already dipping the toe, you're already looking and you understand the value of some of the elements of five element wealth.

You nourish yourself, you move, you exercise, relationships are important to you.You make the effort to connect, you make an effort to be in service, to give back to the community. You have some level of spiritual commitment or relationship, whatever that is for you.

The growth phase is where you have that growth mindset, where you're willing to learn, you're noticing opportunities, you're noticing that what you listen to and what interests you is growing and expanding. You might even notice other things, like maybe you're becoming more of an introvert or a nature lover or you're deciding to give up alcohol or some other type of behavior that you're kind of outgrowing or just feeling like it isn't serving you anymore.

So the growth phase is where you're collecting, you're gathering information. You're gathering information for growth. So, it’s like when you plant a seed. A seed needs water and light and soil and it can grow from there. You're gathering the elements that you need to grow. And then the next phase that we step into, once we've done the growth, when we've built a pretty solid foundation to take care of and nourish our physical wellbeing, we step into the energy of creation. The growth phase, you can think of it just to take a step back for a moment, is the most important.It is one that you will continue to come back to and build upon and keep expanding upon.


Once we've grown into the energy of what we're becoming and what we're ready for, we're stepping into that creative energy and nourishing your body mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, nourishing your soul is what allows you to grow and expand.

If you're still noticing sabotaging behaviors around food, exercise and your health, then I would invite you to revisit that when your energy is grounded and nourished, because now you're not spending a lot of time being sick or injured because you're in alignment, because you're committed to your health, then the energy begins to expand to creation.

When you've done the work around your core wounds, your sabotaging behaviors, people pleasing, procrastination, avoidance, indecision wounds around, rejection, abandonment, and there's more.

When you have done that work, you clear so much energy. You no longer hold grudges, you no longer are resentful or angry or jealous or scarce or in lack because you're grounded. Then what happens is this creative life force energy just comes through you in physical form, in creative form, you start to feel like you have something you want to share or put out into the world, whether it's a book or creating a meetup group or leading women in some type of capacity or taking a new trip and traveling. 

There's an energy that comes through you that is ready to be tapped into your creativity and then once you tap into that creativity, you're ready to activate your gifts, which you are aware of because they've been hiding under the kind of the core wounding and then the old stories that you've been showing up in. 

Instead of leading from your wounds, lead from your gifts. You start to lead life into who you're becoming from your gifts because you've already been to the darkest places, the shadow work, the depth of your soul, the ugly parts where you uncover the actual beauty. The thing that you think that you're missing is the thing that you actually are. 

When we are ready to step into that energy of creation, that's when we're really downloading our gifts, we're activating our gifts. It's this divine energy that comes through us because we're in alignment and things become more useful. You have this creativity of ideas that places you want to go, things you want to do, and relationships and opportunities begin to facilitate. Teachers begin to appear, coaches appear, classes appear,opportunities to travel and homes for sale. So many things just appear when you're ready and when you're aligned because you've taken the time to be committed to your well being, having healthy relationships in all year of your life.

Now you're noticing this creative life force energy that you're ready to tap into. For some ladies, it means the creation of a baby. For some ladies, the baby is a course or a book. It's just the energy, the manifestation of the creative life, the energy within you. Then, because we are creators, we begin to step into the third stage, which is the sharing. 


We're ready to trust ourselves and listen to the creative energy that's coming through us. The gift that we want to put into the world, we then begin to share it so we can create something but then taking that aligned action to share with others is the energy of prosperity.

That's where we step into the balance of giving and receiving and allow opportunities for other people to join us and allow ourselves to be open to the opportunities that are available to us. That's where we thrive, we get in the energy of co creation. We go from creation to co-creation, we get into the energy of thriving. We allow ourselves to be supported. We allow ourselves to be in alignment, and we begin to share.


From sharing, energy builds the foundation for prosperity. So this is where we allow ourselves to be resourced by the fifth element of our wellbeing, which is financial freedom to be resourced from the energy exchange for the gift that we put out into the world. 

From that place, we get to continue because we are resourced, when we receive that resource energy, we then have more energy to continue the growth, create, share, and prosper again, because we enter that cycle at a new level. It's a fun place to be.

Consider what stage you’re at. Are you in the growth phase? In the creation phase? In the sharing phase? Or are you ready to prosper? And just know that whatever phase you're in, it looks differently for everybody. For some of you, a phase may last a year, 2 to 5, 6 to 10 years. Who knows? Some people might not ever get through the first phase or even get to the first phase. And that's okay too.Some people spend a week or two in the creation phase or ten years, and then the sharing goes quick and the prosperity comes quick. Just trust that wherever you are is exactly where you need to be and always at the right time.


Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Begin with the Daily Devotion Journal and 13 Moons Membership

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.