Jen Mons Coaching

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The Energy of Prosperity

I am back again to invite you into a conversation around prosperity. Allow the words to sink into your body on a cellular level, allow the vibration of what I'm sharing with you to be received, because that is one of the big energies around prosperity, is the willingness to receive. 

I'm going to share with you what prosperity is, what it isn't, and how you can choose to live more in alignment with the energy of prosperity. Prosperity has been mentioned in the Bible many, many times. There are several references for my Christian friends. The Buddha has also shared many references to prosperity. In fact, I believe it's the laughing Buddha that represents joy and wealth. There's also teachings in the Tao. There are many different types of spiritual teachings that cover prosperity.

Notice what your body language is at this moment. Notice if you're uptight and stressed or if you're relaxed and open. There's all kinds of things that you can do to drop down into the lower part of your body and feel more grounded. Taking a breath in and out of the belly is really helpful because when we're relaxed and open, we're ready to receive. We've got our guard down, we trust, we're open, we're not guarded, we're not tense. It's like you can eat as healthy as you want, but if your body's in fight or flight, it's not assimilating the nutrients. 

We don't seek prosperity or abundance outside of us, it flourishes within us. I know many of you right now are feeling like there isn't enough and that is also a consciousness and a mindset. It can show up at support time, money, opportunities, friendships, relationships. The feeling of scarcity, like there isn't enough, is a state of consciousness. That is the opposite state of consciousness as prosperity. One of the big myths that I want to demystify at this moment is that prosperity equals money or success. That is not true. When you align to the consciousness of it and really understand it, that peace will come because you're ready to receive. We live in a culture that is just so unauthentic with social media. And all of these things that we think we want, we think we're supposed to look a certain way and act a certain way, and we can just have all this stuff. That is not reality. It's unhealthy and it can create detachment. It can create a feeling of being disconnected. It can deepen our subconscious unhealthy saboteur that tells you you're not good enough or worthy enough already. We have to completely disconnect ourselves from the idea that prosperity means anything externally, because it's not. It will come. But as long as you're attached to that result, you're just going to be in this inner tug of war the whole time.

What if I could put prosperity in one word? It's trust. Scarcity is a lack of trust. What prosperity is not, it is not success because everybody defines success differently. Success is different to many, many people. Prosperity does not equal what we think of success, because who even knows what that means. It's different for everybody. It's not external. There is no validation or checkbox that says you're living prosperously. You decide what that looks and feels like for you based on your values, based on living aligned to your values, and you choose to trust. It comes when you align to what matters most for you. You do it because you love it, because you do it from a place of joy. Create some intentions around it. There's two ways to do this. This can mean that you want to do what you love to do and be paid well for it and start your own business. There's the other way where you can be who you want to be in your current vehicle of transformation. So your current environment. So those are two different energies. They require very different commitments. You just have to think about which one aligns for you with where you are right now, because where you are right now is the vehicle for the next thing. So it is not success.

Prosperity is not just money. It's also not having a stroke of good luck, although it looks that way because a practice of gratitude brings more to be grateful for. It can really look that way on the outside. The energy of prosperity is trusting and being grateful. It is not success. It is not money. It is not having this stroke of good luck. It's not a competition. Prosperity is not competition. There is no hierarchy. 

The energy of abundance and thriving in creation is an energy that is sustainable and it just keeps on giving. That's what prosperity is. There's no room for competition because if you're in the energy of trust, then there is nothing to be threatened by, there's nothing to fear. You know and you trust that there's enough for everyone and that means there's enough for you and me. There's no getting angry or upset that somebody's going to take something from you because there's enough. When you're aligned to what it is that you're seeking, it comes to you. 

Prosperity is the energy of just trusting and knowing that when it's aligned, it happens. Prosperity is not short term. Prosperity is not unauthentic. It's not self serving. Prosperity is not self serving because prosperity is the energy of giving and receiving. If you're making broken promises or if somebody's making broken promises that are really just serving them and they're promising results that they really can't do because nobody really knows what your guaranteed results are going to be except for capital Him or God or source or universe, whatever you want to call that. We're not really in total control of this whole experience but we do get to choose how we show up and we do get to choose to be in alignment with what matters to us and what we believe to be true. For us, it's not scarcity, it's not lack of trust, it's not lack of time, it's not lack of money, it's not lack of support, it's not lack of nutrients that you put into your body. It's not lack of self care, it's not lack of receiving love from your loved ones, it's not lack of intimacy. None of those are in the energy of prosperity. If you already know that you're not feeding yourself well, if you're not allowing yourself to be deeply and vulnerable connected to other people in your relationships, if you really don't believe that you don't have enough time to do the things you want to do. Even though we all have the same 24 hours in a day, if there's never enough money to really do the thing that you want to do, you're in Scarcity consciousness. You're not in prosperity consciousness. 

Prosperity is not overwhelming and it's not chaos. This is the big one, because this is what it looks like on the surface for most of us. It's like if you're running around doing all the things you don't even have time to receive, you don't even know what matters most to you. You haven't even thought about it. 

What is the energy of prosperity? How do I step into that? First of all, consider that prosperity is your birthright just by thievery energy of the way that we're created. Creation itself is a prosperous energy. It grows and it thrives without needing anything. You're a baby in your mom's belly. You have everything you need for nine months. Even when mothers don't take care in their pregnancy, a baby can still survive and thrive. You look in nature, there's springs just bubbling with water. There's rain to water our forests. There's the sun to help the plants grow. The trees are dropping seeds that become other trees. The fruits have seeds to become new trees. This is creative life force energy. Prosperity is creative life force energy. It's your birthright by the simple fact that you're here. You were born to be prosperous, to prosper, to thrive, to grow, to trust, to create. Just the simple fact that we create humans is the energy of prosperity. Prosperity is limitless. It's like the energy of God, the universal source that creates all life. It never stops. It just creates more and more and more.It just keeps creating.

The energy of prosperity is believing and knowing that everything, not anything, but everything, is possible. That you as a human, you as a creator. You are a creator and a creation. You have limitless potential. It's knowing and believing that of course your ego is going to come in and tell you the reasons why you can't do it, because that's what we're here to navigate. If it was that easy, everybody would do it and then it wouldn't mean anything.

Prosperity is growth. Growth comes through navigating the challenges that come with it. Prosperity is your birthright. Prosperity is limitless. Just like God's energy, the universal source gives us more than we're willing to receive. Think about that for a moment. Creative life force. Energy just keeps on giving. Energy just keeps recycling. The cycle of life is so beautiful. From the scientific aspect to the spiritual to the energetic, it is so beautiful. Nothing ends. It just transforms. Energy is not created or destroyed. It's like this energy that just keeps giving and receiving. Prosperity is limitless, just like God's love because we are given more than we're ever ready to receive. The whole, “how do I live in prosperity?” is all about receiving. Get out of your thoughts. Get out of your emotions. Witness them and acknowledge them and transmute them and work through them. But they are not the truth. The truth is in the present moment. The truth is in trust.

Prosperity is in the present moment. It's a willingness to capital R, receive. This is the biggest block that I see for years and years and years. The sacral chakra is blocked. Abundance, intimacy, creative life force energy. The very place that we create life in our bodies. Intimacy. The place where we experience that the sacral is blocked. There's a huge correlation between that and financial freedom and abundance. Many women who are seeking to heal their relationship with money and their relationship in their marriage or with their spouse or their loved one, their soulmate, whatever that person is for you, they're not fully receiving and they're not even fully giving. They're not fully showing up because of a lack of trust. And when you're willing to really dive deep into this sacral block and transmute it and open it and just be willing to receive. It takes trust. The foundation for prosperity is trust. It takes trust to be willing to receive, to receive support, to receive love, to look at life through a different lens, to truly see that there's an abundance of time. There's an abundance of time, believe it or not, because time honestly doesn't even really exist. We created the measurement which makes us think that it's scarce. That was a man made thing. It exists so differently for everybody. Think of how fast time seems to go as we get older. That's one thing that we hear. Look at the people who spend a lot of time doing what they love and people who believe they never have time to do the things they love. Just look at the different ways that people spend time. 

If you believe there's never enough money, there's an abundance of money in this world. There is so much, so much, and there are so many ways to earn it. It's not easy for everybody.

Prosperity is intentional. The energy of it is very aligned and intentional because when you know that you're aligned with your values, when you know you're aligned with your truth, you trust. You trust that you've taken the aligned steps to receive. 

Prosperity is a cycle. It's the cycle of creation, of giving and receiving. It's just knowing and trusting that it's our birthright. And we have a creative, life force energy within us that wants to just give and receive. Gratitude is part of that practice. The more that we are grateful for, the more that just keeps showing up to be grateful for because we're in that energy. We're putting the intention on what it is that we're grateful for. It's a shift in perception. It's being willing to see the abundance and prosperity in the universe that's already there. That's really what it is. It's a total shift in perception. When you're really willing to do it, it takes a couple of times. It helps to be supported.

The more grateful we are, the more we have to be grateful for, the more we give for it is in the giving that we receive. The more we're open to receiving because we know we're worthy. We've done all the things. It was aligned with our truth and it felt so good. It's such an amazing and beautiful and wonderful energy to be in. You will always be challenged on your scarcity. The minute you decide to invest in yourself, you're going to notice all those things come up again.  Of course it's all going to come up. It's there to show you what you're here to learn. It's there to show you what you're here to trust. Capital T, trust. 

So prosperity is your birthright. It is limitless. It is your willingness to receive. It is an ongoing cycle. It is gratitude. It is a balance of giving and receiving. It's not just money. Prosperity is health. It's abundance in health, money and love. By aligning your life in your purpose, not to your purpose, in your purpose, in your purpose can be anywhere. It can be at your job, it can be as a mom, it can be in the business you're creating. You are your purpose. It's not something to attach and seek. You are that already. The secret is defining what you're passionate about. That's like the laughing Buddha. It's joy. Joy and prosperity, the thing that excites you and makes you happy, that's part of your purpose. Because on a frequency scale, joy is one of the highest vibrating energetic emotions we can experience, along with gratitude. Those are the emotions and the energies of prosperity. It is not fear. It is not scarcity. It is not a lack of trust. It is not anger. It's none of those. Those things are going to come up, and they're just going to invite you to be like, hey, what's your relationship with prosperity? What do you really think? Because those are the moments where you're really going to get clear. It's through those challenging moments that we get super clear on what we don't want and just more clear about what we do want. All of those challenges and hardships are just there to keep us aligned to what we're really here to embody, to experience. So prosperity is that thriving. Thriving energy and health and money and love in our purpose.

The energy of prosperity is to thrive, just like the plants do in the garden. Everything on the planet is created to thrive. We were created to thrive. We are resilient. It's the part where prosperity is growth. Because to prosper, things just keep growing and creating and thriving. We don't grow by avoiding. We don't grow by projecting and blaming. We grow when we're willing to just look at the things that have been difficult, learn from them, embrace them, and the willingness to alter course and be willing to receive, the willingness to receive the abundance in life that we do know that we really are.

Prosperity is your birthright. It's limitless. It's about receiving. It's a cycle of giving and receiving. It's a cycle of life, creative life, and energy. It's trust. You can think of trust as actually the bowl that holds all of it. It's the energy in health, money and love. It's not just money and success. It's thriving. It's intentional. It's gratitude. And lastly, it's freedom.It really is freedom. It's like an energy of just allowing the natural state of abundance to just flow through you. The natural state of resiliency and trust. Energetically, we're blocking it. You're blocking it. Your unwillingness to trust and receive is blocking your potential. If you're not willing to receive love, nourishing food support, create more time in your calendar for the things that really matter, that's your choice but you're blocking it. You're blocking the abundance of the universe, the limitlessness of God's energy, creative life force energy, you're blocking yourself from receiving it. So if you really want to thrive, if you look at those relationships you want to heal your relationship with money, love, health, whatever it is, then you've got to create an intention because prosperity is intention. Start becoming grateful for the things that are working out for you rather than looking at the things that don't because on the other side is freedom. Nobody tells you what you need to be a certain way because you're sovereign. You don't need external validation. Validation is not prosperity. Prosperity is too busy creating it's in creator consciousness and there's more flow in your life.


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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.