Jen Mons Coaching

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The Law of Diminishing Intention & The Intention Deficit Disorder

The thing that holds us back the most in life is ourselves. There are things that you want in your life and the only thing standing in the way between you and what you believe to be true as possible is you.

The law of diminishing intention and attention deficit disorder, which is happening in this country in the time that we're living in, is what’s keeping you from living the life you want to live. Energy loves clarity and clarity comes from your intention. But if you don't take time, if you don't create the space to be intentional every day, then you're just walking through life, but you're not really embodying it. There's a difference. There's a big difference.

So I want to invite you just to consider today how intentional I am in my life? Let's first begin by just taking for a moment to consider where you are in your life. Maybe reflecting back on a couple of things that you are really proud of. Some big celebrations, accomplishments, events, experiences. Just notice the things that flash up as you reflect and think again where you are now and where you want to go. 

I talk a lot about making decisions based on who you want to become, not where you've been. I'm going to say that again because it's what separates people from living a mediocre life to doing extraordinary things and really feeling like at the end of the day, at the end of their life, that they lived a fulfilling life.

The number one regret is that people didn't live their truth. One of the reasons that happens is because people are not living with intention. What's happening with most people is they're so focused on what is not working. What happens when you shift your energy into what is already working for you. You completely shift your energy when you shift your mindset to open up to the possibility of how you're already being supported. And this happens energetically where you just got to see how supportive you are by people. It seems like magic, but really we're just getting out of our own way because when we don't feel supported, when we don't believe we have enough, when we're in scarcity, we don't have support, we don't have love, we don't have money. We're just not choosing to see what's already there. We're so focused on what isn't working.The minute you shift your mind into the placeof what is working, more tends to pour in. It's a beautiful place to be.

What is intention deficit disorder? It's when we are not intentional with our time, with our choices, with the people that we spend time with. It's not taking the time to make decisions that are in alignment with your values. If we don't have the bigger picture, the bigger goal in life, whatever that is, one year, three years, five years, ten years and there's a difference between a goal and an intention. A goal is like a solid result. An intention is a way of being to get to that result. Do you see the difference?

What happens a lot of times is that when you focus on the goal, like the result, the tangible number, what if you're limiting yourself? What if what is possible is better than you could possibly imagine? That's the shift is opening up to possibility. And so rather than looking at something as if you're struggling to actually focus and get something done, shift your awareness to realize and take ownership that you're not actually in alignment with what you say you want to do. That's where the intention comes in. Intention. 

The law of diminishing intent states that the longer you wait to do something that you should do now, the greater the odds are that you'll never actually do it. This concept was originated by Jim Rohn. It was John Maxwell who later wrote about this in the 15 invaluable Laws of Growth. So the law of diminishing intention applies to everybody, everybody who wants to accomplish something. You start by getting clear on the what and the why. It's really important to connect with your why. Why does this matter to you? And you want to come from a healthy place. This is huge. The why is super, super big because if you're entering a relationship with an intention or a goal from an unhealthy place, such as people pleasing or fear or scarcity or the need to be valued or appreciated.

Any time you step into a relationship and anytime that you make a decision, because the decision creates momentum, every decision that you make unfolds the path before you. Every decision, every yes, every no, and every aligned yes is important as every sacred no. Make sure when you make a decision that it is aligned with your truth. Ask yourself, is this aligned with my values? Is it the right time? Does it have to be me? Does it have to be this person, this co-creation, this book, this opportunity? Because sometimes we want something, but it's not the right person, it's not the right time. But be really clear in knowing why you're making the decision the way that you are. If you're approaching it from a place of scarcity or fear, then it's unhealthy. If you're approaching it from a place of trust, it's probably healthy. So you don't always have to know the how, but when you know the what and the why and really being clear on your why, because energy loves clarity. 

When you know what it is that you want and you know why this matters to you, this is where you get to lean into trust. When you know so deeply that you want something in your life and you know why, it's for you. It's meant for you. One of my mentors, Amber Lilly Street, used to say, if the dream is in you, it's for you. And I love that. She gave us all journals. I have a journal that says that on the front. 

Just like Rumi says, what you're seeking is seeking you. I see this over and over and over again once we open up to the possibilities around us. Sometimes the thing you think you want is standing in the way of what's actually available for you.

So the law of diminishing intent is really important because you're going to know if you say no, if you shut the door in an opportunity, when you're being supported on your path of growth, it's going to be painful. And sometimes we do this to self sabotage. We shut off opportunities and then if we haven't really done the deep inner work, an easy way to deal with this, or maybe you've been on the receiving end of this, is we project and blame and make it everybody else's fault. So, we sabotage relationships when really those relationships were showing up at the right time to support us. And you'll know that your decision was out of alignment because you're going to feel really stuck and it's going to be frustrating because you just shut down an opportunity on the path that you were meant to step forward on. That's usually how it happens. 

What's underneath that? If we dig really deep sometimes it's that we fear that we're not worthy, that we're not worthy of our dreams, that we're not worthy of having an amazing life. Like when things are going really well, are you just waiting for the ball to drop? You're just waiting for something really horrible to happen? We've all probably experienced loss in some way. We've all had challenges. And so are you living in the space of waiting for that to happen again and focusing on that? Or are you moving forward into the person that you're becoming making decisions on new possibilities versus what happened before? 

If you really, really want to step forward and live the life you truly want, then you need to make decisions. You choose. I choose. Use empowering words. I'm choosing to take action based on who I'm becoming. And the law of diminishing intent is real. The longer you wait. Now, what's the difference in asking yourself, is this aligned with my values? Is it the right time? Learning to trust your intuition, your inner guidance system is super important. 

How do we do this? I teach it through the 5 Element Well-th. Nourishing yourself every day breathing, taking time for stillness, hydration. Those are basic laws of nature that if you're still avoiding those things, nothing that you put attention to is going to be sustainable. Every once in a while there's a couple of people that they can keep pushing and grinding through it all. But we want sustainability, we want quality of life and my favorite tool to help you to stay intentional besides movement, nourishment, hydration,breath work, meditation or prayer is journaling. So if you're new to my community, I have a journal that I published, it's called The 13 Moons. There's 13 moons in one year, so it's 365 days of journal prompts. Each month has a different theme. Just having a daily devotional practice of five to ten minutes a day and then manifesting your dream life. 

Don't allow yourself to live in that space of the law of diminishing and tension, because over time, that just doesn't feel good and it's like walking through mud. The longer you stand still in the mud, you just sink down. And we want to take steps forward into who we're becoming. We don't want to be stuck in the mud. It doesn't feel good. It feels heavy. It feels frustrating. So if you're feeling that right now, you're being invited to shake that move your body, get into your body, shake that off, and ask yourself, like,why am I feeling this way? What is it that I want? What do I need? What is my intention? What aligned action can I take to move forward one small step into the person I really want to become? And yes, of course, always celebrate who you are in the moment. But aren't you curious about really embracing and embodying all of just the gifts and the yumminess of who you are? What would that look like for you? What would shift? What would change? What would you do differently? How would you show up differently? What would you create? Are you going to look back at your life and be like, yeah, I showed up. I lived my truth. I did what I said I was going to do, and I did it well. I made mistakes, but I was true to myself. 

Maybe this is the year that you give yourself permission just to create clarity and intention with just five minutes a day. Maybe this is the year that more of us commit to being intentional in our lives rather than attention deficit or intention deficit. We own. We start to own ourselves fully. It's such a wonderful feeling. This energy of taking ownership for everything. Just ownership. It doesn't mean that you control everything. That's very different. It's like owning your choices. Owning yourself is the source of your time, your money, your opportunities, your service, the way that you show up your relationships. Really taking ownership without protection or blame and just getting super clear. And again, taking ownership on moving forward into who you're becoming.

Remember, you don't have to know the how. That's where you get to trust. You get to trust in God, you get to trust in the universe if that resonates with you. And when you get to that place, it's like freedom. It really is. And I wouldn't say that I've completely mastered this yet. I don't know if we ever become the master.  

Get super clear on the what and the why. Is it aligned with me? Is it the right time? Is this the right person? And you just keep taking the next step. And when you're on your path, it feels really good. And there are moments that will feel challenging, and that's okay too. Those moments give you clarity about what's not working. But if you're sitting in a place rightnow of just like, you know what that feeling is, it's usually in your solar plexus. Just like frustration. I'm not moving forward. Do something about it. Move through it. Get yourself some support. Go move your body. Journal about it. That stagnation, move through that. If you're making decisions that are keeping you stagnant, you're spinning it in decision. You're procrastinating on the thing that you know you're going to do. How many times do you know you're going to do something and the big thing you know you're going to do just keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the to do list. 

Just what is your intention today? Let's just start with today. What is your intention?


Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Begin with the Daily Devotion Journal and 13 Moons Membership

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.