Jen Mons Coaching

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Top 3 Gratitude Blocks

Today we're going to talk about Gratitude Blocks. We've been talking about the importance of gratitude as the foundation for prosperity consciousness and it really is that idea. Abundance is our natural state of being. There's so many layers we could unpack around the topic of abundance and prosperity. 

First of all, what is the difference between abundance and prosperity? The energy of prosperity takes up more space. It's more expansive. It's a consciousness that puts us in that cycle of giving and receiving. But it's really about receiving in a place of feeling resourced so that we can then give back to the community and continue to create that ripple effect. Whether it's in your home or at work or in your community, it's really stepping into that cycle of receiving and giving. 

Whereas abundance is a little bit more of just like plentiful is available. Prosperity is more stepping into the give back. It's that cyclical energy. If you look at Mother Nature, she is very plentiful. Naturally, she doesn't need us. In fact, we're probably slowing down her natural state of abundance. We can see the springs that swell up in the middle of nowhere.

When we think about this, we can start to just wonder, why would we be any different? We live in a world that is abundant. Then can we imagine that we are naturally abundant and meant to thrive? I know that there have been experiences and people and situations in your life that may have made you think otherwise. There's been betrayal and scarcity and rejection and abandonment and all the things that we all go through and grief and loss. At the end of the day, we get to choose the next step. We get to choose how we show up in our life experience. We get to choose if we react or we respond. We get to choose if we are triggered or activated. Sometimes we are in that trauma response and we need professional help from a therapist. Once we get into that space of moving forward and we're not so much addicted to our healing, but we're really in that place of like, I'm really ready to move forward and step into my full self. That's like the perfect time to get support from a coach because that's what coaches and mentors do. Abundance and prosperity are really a feeling. It's a feeling of feeling full and free, relaxed, trusting, grounded, centered, and grateful.

We're going to talk today about gratitude. The more that you are grateful for what you already have, the more you open up to receiving, more to be grateful for because you shift your perception of your daily life. You shift from the scarcity of focusing on what's not working to what already is working. You shift from lack to abundance, from scarcity to trust. You literally begin to shift your reality and your life experience because you start to see what's already working, which then brings you more opportunities to step into the things that are working. As soon as you decide you want to go on a trip somewhere, you meet somebody who's been there and can share things with you.As soon as you decide you want to learn something, the teacher appears speaking the words that you've been hearing. As soon as you are ready to step into that perfect romantic relationship and receive and stop seeking and chasing,but you just slow down and find yourself in the places that you love, that person is right there. 

Just that idea of receiving, opening up, relaxing, trusting we can open up to our health, trusting our bodies, allowing ourselves to be nourished by the food that we eat.

Here are a couple of blocks that are really well hidden in the ego when it comes to gratitude. 

The first one is that maybe people, or maybe you've even believed that just having gratitude or just saying I'm grateful is kind of like bypassing, like it's not enough. We start with the intention to be grateful and it's more than just saying I'm grateful. It's feeling grateful. Where do you feel that gratitude? What does it look like? What does it feel like? 

So we're going to do that for a moment. I'm going to invite you to close your eyes and take a deep breath and just bring your awareness to something that you're grateful for at this moment. So you notice the thought, I'm grateful for this. Now, I want to invite you to go a little bit deeper. Maybe you imagine this person, place, or things in the palm of your hand or just imagine what it looks like. Start to connect with the feeling that you get from this person, place, or thing that you're so grateful for in this moment. How does this make you feel and where do you feel it? Does it have a temperature or a texture? But get really clear on why you know that you're feeling gratitude because you're feeling into the experience. This is where we shift from mindset to embodiment. We start integrating the frequency from the head from the crown down into the body. Just notice how you feel. Do you feel it in your heart? Or maybe your belly? Maybe you feel relaxed. Do you feel excited? Just notice how this gratitude feels. 

Then be curious about the idea that if we can feel this feeling about something else, then we are gratitude. We are that thing because it's coming from us. The feeling of gratitude is coming for us, therefore we are gratitude. Start by writing down what you're grateful for and then go a step further and take a moment to pause and breathe into how you feel in this gratitude, because that's where the shift begins. Then you want to go even deeper. Connect with your intuition in this state or the voice of God. So now is there anything else? Maybe there is and maybe there isn't. Maybe it's just that simple pleasure of gratitude. Maybe you become curious about where I can find more of this. There's definitely a delicate balance of, is that ego or is that intuition? But it's more about just becoming curious and being open to the possibility that you are gratitude. So wherever you go, that opportunity for gratitude is there. So, the first block is just believing. Well, try to go a step further and feel it and get really clear on what it feels like and why you're grateful.

Another block is that we don't trust, we don't have clarity, we're indecisive, we're spinning in circles but we keep it together just enough on the outside to where it looks good, but on the inside, it's just like,I  don't even want to live up to that. The idea that everybody even thinks I'm even living up to and what we believe underneath is that we're not supported. This is a huge gratitude block. We are not looking at what is already working for us. We're not looking at the friendships, the marriage, the parents, the siblings, our colleagues, the information, the opportunities, the resources, all of these things that I just stated which are supporting us, even the healthy food, because it really does begin with your physical health. So being grateful for healthy food, being grateful for choice, being grateful for connection, opportunity. 

When we look at things as an opportunity for choice, rather than making it about why I can't do it or why I'm not enough or something isn't enough, or immediately jumping into the excuses about what isn't working if we step back. Everything's an opportunity. Everything's a choice. You get to choose. Your decision creates momentum. So whether you're looking to buy this house, that house or go on this trip or that trip, they're all opportunities. Every choice is an opportunity to choose differently. Every meal is an opportunity to nourish yourself. Every co-creation, every relationship is an opportunity to grow. Every opportunity is an opportunity. Everything is an opportunity. Everything is possible. 

But one of the biggest gratitude blocks is not seeing how we are supported and not looking at possibilities as opportunities, but immediately going to the old story of how we're not supported. That happens all the time. Either my husband doesn't support me or I'm a single mom or I don't have the resources or I can't afford that. All of those statements are very disempowering statements that show us that we believe we're not supported. So then we get to step out and just say, okay, how am I supported if I Know that I want to grow on this path? What's available to me at this moment? And at what level do I want to step into? What level do I want to step into with the ways that I'm already supported? So having gratitude for the ways that you are supported, let's just even say financially in their work, when they really step into an opportunity to invest all of a sudden, and it seems like a miracle sometimes, but it just happens.

Then the beautiful thing is when we have the awareness around it and we have gratitude for it, rather than just thinking that it's something that we deserved, that's a really big shift. Notice the energy around something you deserve versus just being grateful for what has come. Because we open up to receiving from a place of gratitude and being grateful for noticing how we already are supported. Instead of focusing on what we can't do, weapon up to what we're willing to do because we're willing to see how we are already abundant. We're already in that energy of abundance which leads to prosperity.

The third block around gratitude is thinking that we have to be hard. This has probably been the one that has been my lifelong journey that I continue to work through. Some of you can relate to this. In our prosperity circle, we have six different money blocks, abundance blocks, receiving blocks. One of them is that hard work equals success. So if we believe that hard work equals success, then we will continue to work hard to be successful. Whatever energy we enter into the energy that expands. This is like the hustle culture. If I hustle, if I'm a boss babe, then I earned it. I earned everything I have. But there's a little bit of a different energy to that. It can be exclusive. There's a line of resentment. There's a line of resentment about, around financially being financially resourced to where you cross that line of feeling unappreciated or not validated or the last block that we said unsupported. But it's this belief that it has to be hard. Suffering is in your mind. I'm not saying that hard things don't happen. I'm sure everybody or most of you know, Glenn Doyle says we can do hard things. We can and we do, and we do them a lot and we do them in different ways.

So those are three gratitude blocks there are more. These are the top three that I see. Number one is kind of that idea that actually doesn't work for me. I'm just saying it, which is the invitation to feel it and allow yourself to open up to more things to be grateful for in your life. The number two is not seeing how you're supported. This is a huge one. And number three, thinking that it has to be hard, thinking that it's almost like waiting for the ball to drop. It's okay to be super grateful for having awesome things in your life and don't play small with it. It gives others permission to do the same. Don't be afraid to shine.

My invitation for you today is to write things that you're grateful for in this moment and why and how they make you feel and where this is showing up in your life. Maybe you write a letter to yourself, maybe you're writing bullet points, doesn't really matter .Just set the intention to be super clear about what do I have to be grateful for? And really spend the time to notice how you feel about it. It doesn't actually take that much time, but setting the intention to be like, “Oh, yeah, that's how gratitude feels and this is why I'm grateful and this is actually how it's showing up in my life. And yes, thank you. I wouldn't mind more of that. That's great. I'm loving that. Okay, this is actually my new shift. This is my new reality.” Noticing how it makes you feel and then what are the ways that you can allow yourself to be supported for more of this and what are the ways that you can do this from a place of joy. And those questions right there will help you to clear the top three blocks of gratitude.


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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.