Jen Mons Coaching

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Ep 202 The Energy Alignment Method

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In this episode, Jen deep dives into soul wisdom imprinting, 5 element well-th and the path to prosperity. How each individual in this planet has their own individual purpose. How your individual purpose energetically is to realign with the highest frequency of your soul.

Key Notes:

  • What the energy alignment method means

  • How we have different energy bodies at different states of consciousness around our physical being

  • Our life is about realigning to the highest frequency of our soul in this human form

Show Notes:

(02:16) Jen shares what this week’s episode is all about

(03:00) How we are here as humans to full embody the highest expression of our soul

(05:02) How we come into this life with an energetic frequency

(08:28) How there are five elements to the art of living well

(10:03) The physical body hold the imprint, the truth of who we are

(15:54) What we think it is, is actually so much smaller than what it actually is

(16:51) The 6 steps to the Soul Wisdom Imprinting process

(24:13) Where we put our intention and energy, where our attention goes to, energy flows


(17:10) A life in prosperity and abundance is to live resourced

(20:00) We live what we say we value

(24:24) What we focus on, expands

(25:39) Money is an energy in which we amplify our truth, our voice and our values out to the world

(28:21) We no longer live who we were but we step into who we’re becoming






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This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being.  This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.