Jen Mons Coaching

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Ep 236 Are You a Purpose or Performance Driven Leader

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In this episode, Jen shares how she has shifted the words around whom she supports from performance driven to purpose driven individuals in order to give permission to them to let go of the need to perform.

Key Notes:

  • How passionate Jen is about leading women into this paradigm shift of embodied leadership where we lead from within

  • The difference between performance driven leaders and purpose driven leaders

  • Our purpose is to really reveal those different aspects of ourselves

Show Notes:

(03:11) This week’s conversation is around purpose driven or performance driven leaders.

(05:02) How one of the shifts that Jen has been working on is letting go of the performance factor

(07:16) When we take aligned action that’s when it seems magic is happening

(08:02) Are you internally motivated or externally motivated?

(18:08) The difference is in the expectation or the attachment to the results

(19:51) When we are focused solely on what defines us and the results, we could be closing doors to something that we didn’t know existed about oursleves


(07:01) Prosperity is the energy of embodied trust.

(11:22) There isn’t really a measure because it’s a way of being versus a way of doing

(12:45) Things take as long as they take


This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being.  This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.