4 Ways to Thrive in Abundance

We're going to dive in a little bit deeper into our relationship with abundance and the balance of giving and receiving. How we show up in one relationship with our life is how we show up in most relationships with our life. How we do things one way is often how we do things, how we do everything. Because this is true around our belief about how we show up in our life, it's just reflected back to us through different relationships. So whatever that primary belief is that we have about ourselves, and the way that we show up is reflected back to us, either through money, through health, through connections, through love, through our work, and it most of the time comes down to our own self worth. That's what abundance really is.

Notice in nature, there are so many trees and plants that have everything they need naturally from the earth to thrive. To thrive. Not just to survive, but to thrive. It all comes down to four things, whether you're a plant, an animal or a human, we all need to thrive in that natural state of being, which is abundance. Abundance is a state of being whose true source comes from the heart. It's a feeling of being and not of doing. It's a feeling of freedom, contentment, vitality, knowing that we have everything that we need in that moment and that we are content, we are free, we are happy, and we are unconditionally loved, just like in the moment that we were created.

The four things that every living being on this planet needs to thrive in their relationship with abundance are light, water, nourishment and love. It's so easy for us to see in nature the plants that get light from the sun, water from the rain, from the earth, nourishment, from the soil, and love out of creation. Where can we see this in our own lives? And how is it showing up?

When we talk about light, we are talking about receiving life force energy. We know that we are energetic light beings. We're talking about that relationship with source, the source, the creator of all things, whatever that is for you, whether it's God, a divine source of love, unity, consciousness, mama Earth, mama Gaia, it's the belief that there's a source greater than us, providing for us, and that we are all connected. That's what that light energy is. We can receive light energy from the sun, vitamin D. It's good for our health. We can receive light by the people that we surround ourselves with, the people that fill us up. We can receive light from our own inner being, the source of who we are, our connection to God, to grace, to source, allowing that light to flow through us, in us, within us.

The second form of energy that we need to thrive in abundance is water. If you think about water for a second, water is the one thing that we can't go too many days without. We can go days without food, but not water. Our relationship with water and how we replenish ourselves with water is a reflection of how we're taking care of ourselves. If you go deeper on a cellular level, there's actually the ability for our individual cells to either receive water or not. There's the integrity of ourselves that helps us to stay hydrated. You'll notice some people need more water than others or you might notice that you might need more water if you're feeling busy or overwhelmed or stressed. Because water is life. It flows through us. It nourishes us. It replenishes us. It replenishes the earth. We can receive water by just drinking water. It is the one thing that we cannot survive without. 

There are Buddhist monks who can go a longtime without food, but they cannot go without water. Then the way that we stay in the balance of giving and receiving, receiving or letting go, is that water can cleanse us. Water can cleanse our energy, our emotions. It's very cleansing, very healing.

The third thing that we all need is nourishment. We can think about the way that we nourish ourselves, our relationship with how we nourish ourselves with nourishing foods. When you look at nature, plants and trees are receiving nourishment from the earth. They have the sun, they have light, they have water, and they have nourishment. How do you nourish yourself? What foods are you choosing? How do you feel when you eat these foods? Are you receiving the nutritional value of the food? Are you in a place of being relaxed enough to actually receive the energy of the food? 

The energy body can burn food up before you actually receive it and assimilate it and turn it into fuel for energy if you are too busy or if you're not present while you're eating. So it's not just the food that we choose to nourish ourselves with. You think about the value of and the nutritional value of something that you grew from a garden and all the love that was put into that, the flavor, the nutrients. To be able to eat something freshly picked compared to just going through McDonald's drive through where you don't even know what you're really probably getting in some of the fast food places. So think about the comparison and the difference of the nutritional value between the two. But then also your state of being. When you're nourishing yourself, if you're relaxed and present, then the food has the opportunity to go through the body as it needs to so that it can be turned into fuel for the body, so that it can be properly absorbed.Assimilated for nourishment, for fuel for the body. If you're sitting down to eat, if you're eating on the go and you're shoving food in very quickly, your body's not going to have the same opportunity to receive the food and to use it as nourishment for the body.

Not only the types of food, but our state of being when we eat and noticing, how do you use food in your life? Does it comfort you? Do you self-sabotage with it? Do you self love with it? Do you overly self love with it? Do you not eat enough? Is there scarcity? Is there abundance? This is just another reflection of how we receive nourishment in our life.t

Then fourth is love. This is the giving and the receiving and exchange of relationships with the people in our life. How are you giving and receiving? Are you over giving? Are you tired, overwhelmed and exhausted? Are you allowing yourself to receive? Are you allowing yourself to receive nourishment, light, love and water? And how do you allow yourself to receive love? How deep do you go in your relationships? There are people that have an abundance of a quantity in relationships, but not a quality or a depth in relationships. What is abundance to you? Is it the quality or the quantity of your food, your water, your relationships, your light? How does this show up in your relationships? How is this reflected back to you? Is there balance in your relationships? Are you equally supported? Are you receiving?

Abundance is all about the sacral chakra.The sacral chakra is creativity, it's abundance, it's joy. When we can open up to receive, we open up our sacral chakra. We are in the flow of giving and receiving. If you want to know what your values are, if you're in alignment with your values and the giving and the receiving, look at your schedule, look at your calendar, look at how you spend your money. Those two tangible things right there will show you what you truly value.
If it's not in alignment with your values, then I would invite you to do some restructuring. Your exchange of energy through time and money are going to show you what your values are.It's going to allow you to give and receive and thrive in your choosing of your state of abundance.

So when we talk about relationships, the deepest level of love and abundance is intimacy. Into me, I see. The depth and the quality of your relationship and how much you're willing to give and receive, which for most of us, the opportunity is in the receiving, the receiving of love through vulnerability, allowing yourself to be fully seen and loved, vulnerably even in your shadow. Sometimes it's easier to just reject, reject self, reject others, reject the truth of who we are, or reject a relationship that's willing to see us in that way. Consider where in your life, which relationship is showing you an opportunity for abundance, an opportunity to receive more life force energy, an opportunity to thrive more? Is it through nourishment of food or water? Is it through your light, your relationships, your connection? Is it through the love of others? And notice the depth of the relationship within each of these that shows you where you are, the fountain of abundance, the spring of abundance, the well that keeps giving. How much are you receiving? How much do you align yourself to be replenished? Which relationship is showing you an opportunity to open up and receive more? Just imagine like open hands with everything that you seek and desire and are worthy of. 

The very seed of this willingness, this courage to give and receive in our life, all boils down to our belief around our self worth. For most of us, whether we're drinking enough water, allowing ourselves to cleanse, nourishing ourselves with the right foods, standing in our own light, or surrounding ourselves with deep quality connections, allowing ourselves to be supported, to be seen, to have intimate relationships with people in our life, it comes down to knowing our own worthiness, to beloved in all of that. That's what it comes down to. The willingness and the courage to move through the fear of vulnerability and to be seen. Because when you can free yourself from that fear, you have nothing to fear. That is freedom, that is the contentment, that is the abundance. In that space of energy you start to receive in all areas of life. You receive health, well being, connection, love, money, all of it.

Consider which of these four areas are you willing to explore your relationship with? An area that you'd like to receive more in your life? How have you in the past, maybe blocked yourself from receiving in these areas and what are you willing to do today moving forward differently? What are you willing to receive and how will you celebrate?



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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.


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