Jen Mons Coaching

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The 4 E's to Embodied Healing

The Embodied Healing Self is about the complete embodiment of the physical body, mental body, emotional body, spiritual body and  energetic body, all of who we are. It comes in a journey, walking between two worlds in the balance of being and becoming. Being and becoming is so important for our existence, for our happiness, and for us to live in harmony with the life experience that we have created for ourselves. 


Embrace is in a state of being. Embracing our experience, embracing everything about where we are in this moment, from a place of gratitude, being grateful for everyone and everything in our life experience that has brought us to this very moment. 

Right now, embracing is about self acceptance on the inside, the heart space, on the outside, the physical body, pure self acceptance. Having gratitude for that self acceptance is one of the greatest gifts you will ever give yourself and those that you love that witness your life experience. 

Living in alignment with what matters most to you is embracing you as a person, your values, your life experience. So, embracing, in the state of being, the human being, is also about mindful living. 

Mindful living includes mindful eating, mindful movement, allowing your inner guidance to speak to you. It includes stillness and reflection and really just embracing, slowing down enough to ask yourself, have a conversation with yourself about your life experiences rather than just going through the motions, witnessing your own life experience, and of course, most importantly, with gratitude. 

So all of these are the components of stepping into, embracing the embodied, healing self.


The next layer I like to call it, is to empower and this is where we are in the place of becoming. We can identify self limiting beliefs that might be holding us back in any area of our life, creating the health, the relationship or the life that we want. 

There might be a self limiting belief under there that you're not lovable, you're not worthy, you're not safe. Fear of rejection, fear of unworthiness, fear of not being loved, all of those things can show up. There's so much power in these self limiting beliefs. We don't want to suppress them or completely let go of them. We're going to use them as the catalyst for change. Once we identify it, there's so much we can do with it and use it as the catalyst to create what we want in our life. From there we can take inspired action steps to manifest the life that we want, manifest the relationship, manifest the health, manifest the life, manifest the job, manifest everything that we want in our life. When we end in doing this, we open up to receive, we make requests through emotional empowerment. 

So, all of this empowering in the becoming is about stepping into claiming what we want and one of the most important steps in this process is vulnerability. The willingness, the courage that it takes to go to the depths of vulnerability to do the healing to come through on the other side. Because what's on the other side is just absolutely beautiful waiting for you, your true self. Because those self loaning beliefs and those stories, they're not your truth, they're a part of you, but they're not the whole of you. They're energy flowing through you. 

Vulnerability is really the gateway to your potential. It is where all of your gifts and talents are. It is where your truth is. Because when you go to the depth of your fear, you ascend to your greatest dreams, your greatest truth. 

And in the empower, we also embody and embrace all of the experiences as a part of our life experience and we welcome them with gratitude.


The third layer is where we embody. So this is the embodiment piece. Embodiment is about bringing the whole self into the body, into this human experience. It's our connection to source, connection to Grace, to God, to the Divine energy of this larger integrated network that we are a part of. 

All of our experiences are so much greater than just our own personal experience, our own personal pain and loss. It's a part of who we are. We embody it, but all of our experiences are so much greater than us. This is where we connect to our higher self. 

Rather than ascension to higher self, it was embodying and bringing the Divine Source, the Truth down into our body so that we could share it with others. The truth, the Divine Source of energy, this embodiment piece is where we embody universal light consciousness. 

It's the idea, as Albert Einstein said, that we are all energy. Everything is energy. Every thought, every emotion, every experience, the food, everything is energy in a constant state of flow. And when we embody our experience, we live in that flow of life. We become the dance of life.


The fourth and final layer is, express. Expression of your true self. And this is what we are all waiting for. We are all waiting for you. The truth of who you are to be expressed. And once you do the healing work, once you do the healing of the layers, the healing of the physical body through nutrition, the healing of the energy body through energy work, light work, the healing of the mind by creating stillness through meditation and prayer and gratitude, the healing of relationships, because that's such a vital part of us too, our connection. It helps us to affirm this life experience, the healing of all of this. 

Once we do this healing, then our true self emerges. Then we become our soul's signature. So, the express expression, the creative expression is where you begin to share your gifts and talents. You share the depth of who you are. You share the uniqueness of who you are. 

So, I invite you to consider these four steps in the balance of being and becoming. As you can see, we embrace, we are in being when we are empowered, we are becoming when we embody, we come back to our being and when we express, we are in the state of becoming again. We all live in this constant state of expansion and contraction. I invite you to just consider and welcome all of the experiences and this wholeness of you and consider maybe the areas of your life, of your body, your experiences of yourself that might be asking for a little attention, a little love and healing.


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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.