Sacred Life Lessons

The Sacred Life Lessons

  1. Love wins every time. Every time. An unconditional love for ourselves allows us to love unconditionally others. Pure love. It is just the most amazing, highest vibration, emotion and energy that can be felt on the planet.

  2. Everything is energy, our thoughts, our emotions, the food we eat, our body, the connection we have with others. Money is energy. The cycle of nature, the Earth, the universe. Everything is energy.

  3. Our kids are our greatest teachers. Children come into this world with the soul that is more evolved in some ways because of the frequency that they're coming in, at the timing that they're coming into the planet, the world that they step into when they're born. Because they come from unconditional love, because they don't have baggage, because they don't have preconceived thoughts or fears or blocks. They just see the truth and they share it with us. This is one of the most humbling things about being a parent, is really getting out of our own way and projecting what we think they should be onto them and instead just allowing herself the gift of just listening and appreciating all of who they are. And it's not easy, but it's a wonderful gift for us as parents, our children help us to evolve and grow and connect back to our truth.

  4. Meditation is just presence, it doesn't have to look a certain way. There are many people who have this belief that meditation has to be stillness and just quiet or controlling thoughts, even, which it's more really just allowing thoughts. It's just observing and witnessing and just being in the present moment. It can be a walk on the beach, it can be walking your dog, it can even be just being present with your children, it can be being present with the food that you eat as it nourishes, you just being present with the breath. Meditation comes in many forms. It is really just the gift of being present.

  5. Energy management is the new time management. Many of us are overwhelmed and exhausted and have low energy. There's a belief sometimes that there's not enough time to nourish or take care of ourselves. With the idea that we all have the same 24 hours in a day, it's just how we choose to prioritize it that allows it to look differently. This means that we are the ones that are really deciding on how to use our time. So, energy management is really the intention of using our time wisely for things that are important to us and that are in alignment with our truth. This is really going beyond time management or even choice management and just being intentional about making choices in our life that are here to serve our highest intention, which then serves everyone around us. So really, just learning to slow down, let go of the busyness is like an indicator that we are out of alignment, just being super clear about how we spend our time because really it goes by pretty quickly.

  6. Our soul is reincarnated many times throughout many lives.

  7. There are many ascended masters, God, some of you might call that the divine source universe, soul, consciousness, or divine love, whatever your word is. 

  8. Mary Magdalene, who is Jesus's wife, represents a universal divine feminine energy rising in our unity consciousness.rom and what her truth was.That wasn't what I was taught as I was raised.

  9. Energy medicine is healing. Energy medicine is very healing, and of course, it has its setbacks as well. But the most effective therapy is doing your own inner work, biofeedback. 

  10. Divine downloading. We all have a unique energy signature that creates our soul signature. So think of a signature as a pattern or an imprint, just like your signature, our life and our health blueprint for our life. So if everything is energy and everything has a frequency, each individual being has its own energetic frequency or imprint. 

  11. Health is wealth. It gives you your quality of life, that goes without saying.

  12. Abundance is about receiving. So many people think abundance is about money, but abundance is really just about receiving. All that you are worthy of. It can come in health, wealth, connection, love, money, nourishment, everything you're willing to allow yourself to receive.

  13. Wisdom is more important than knowledge.

  14. Most of us desire inner peace, joy, contentment, and to be seen and loved unconditionally for who we are. Many of us have that inner longing to be in a space where we can be vulnerable, fall apart, tell people everything about us and still be accepted and loved.

  15. Our bodies are resilient and miraculous so take care of them. Our bodies are so amazing and resilient. Our bodies are miracles. They're resilient and they are strong so whatever illness or disease or whatever we're dealing with, if we have the support and the tools and the guidance, we can overcome it.

  16. Our bodies are the vessel.The body is the container that holds our essence, which is our soul and our truth. It's why we take care of the body. It's why we nourish the body. It holds our transformation. It holds our life experiences. It holds our destiny. It holds our love so self care and cherishing and nourishing our body are the containers for our soul, for our experience. So this is why it is the foundation for attracting that higher frequency or life that we want to live. And it is part of the process.

  17. Releasing attachments and expectations is healing because they cause suffering.What we can do in these moments is do our best and then let it go. All of the parents out there can relate to this one, but it also goes with ourselves. Many of us want to be so results focused and oriented because we want to have something tangible. We want to have attachments that keep us safe. We want to have expectations or something to work towards. And really, most of our expectations are limiting. Whatever we seek so firmly can sometimes be limiting most of the time. We are capable of far more than our expectations are allowing us.

  18. People can only meet you where they are. So in every experience that we have in our life, it helps when we let go of the need to be understood, when we let go of our expectations of other people in a way that we wish they would show up and we let go of our judgments because we don't really know their life experience. We don't know what trauma they've had. We don't know what they're dealing with right now. And so every relationship, whether it's your parents, your children, your spouse, your coworker, or just another person in your community, just remember that whatever interaction you have with them, if they project something outwardly onto you, it is from their own experience. We are all in a different place. We are always where we need to be. It doesn't make us less or more than anyone else. We just are where we are on our own journey in life. So just remember that people can only meet you where they are, and you can only meet people where you are. So this means that you will receive information, help, love when you're ready in your own life.

  19. Everything is possible. Everything is possible because we are the miracle of life. We are the miracle of life. Just being here, our existence is a miracle.

  20. Gratitude and celebration of ourselves are an important part of our wellbeing,and we don't do it enough. We do not celebrate ourselves enough. Maybe it's because we have a fear that others will shut us down and it might happen, but again, they're coming from their experience. Remember and practice gratitude and remember to celebrate yourself. Gratitude Journaling helps with both of those. 

  21. Journaling.

  22. Every obstacle in our life is an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. God only gives you what you can handle. So when we lean into these obstacles and these challenges, when we experience grief or loss, when we have challenges parenting our children or in relationships with other people, sometimes it feels out of control and maybe we can't handle them. So whatever your experience is, just know and trust that we have a choice in that experience and that you can get through it. Even if it feels like you're being punished. All we have to do is ask for support and allow ourselves to receive the support that actually is already there from God, from our loved ones, from the community.

  23. Vulnerability is the gateway to our potential and we are limitless beings. The courage and willingness to be vulnerable and go deep into your own healing experience. That very thing that you are afraid of is what is holding you back.And as soon as you lean into it and harness the power of it to the power. That fear that's keeping you stuck, you just harness that energy into something as a catalyst for your change, for your transformation. Your life will just unfold in miraculous ways.  Learning to fine tune it became the next step. So really just lean into that vulnerability.

  24. The inner work creates the outer world.

  25. Disease and illness are way more complex than our physical bodies. We are light energy bodies and a physical being in a physical form. We have emotional energy, mental energy, light energy that all affects our energy signature. So disease and illness, there are many layers to heal in this.

  26. Having a coach or mentor is life changing.

  27. Being an overachiever, a multitasker and a perfectionist is so overrated. Do less and be more, that is the way of the future. Do less and be more.

  28. Animals on the earth are some of the best healers, some of the best. The mountains, the water, the trees, and our pets are wonderful gifts. Spend time in nature, spend time with your pets. Spend time with animals.

  29. Alignment over hustle, every time. There are women out there that want to hustle and prove themselves. Energy management is all about alignment. Let go of the hustle. Hustle is out of alignment. When you're in alignment, you still do work, but they are from inspired action steps. It is intentional and you don't get exhausted. So alignment is the new hustle.

  30. Connection and intimacy are so important for our wellbeing. It is just as important as eating healthy and drinking water. It is that exchange of energy that we need to grow and thrive.

  31. Relax into the truth of who you are. Allow and receive that truth to come forward.

  32. Our only purpose in this life is to embrace who we are. We can choose to live in the highest and most authentic self expression of our soul by being. Not doing that is your only purpose. But whatever we are identifying ourselves as, even in the identity, the role as a mother, a coach, a healer,even, none of that is who we are. We are just who we are. And that's all we're here to do.

  33. Self discovery. Self discovery is a timeless and limitless gift, and it's the best one you'll ever give yourself. Discovering your purpose, stepping into that energetic alignment, is so healing and so empowering.

  34. Learning what foods fuel you and which do not is life changing. It's part of that foundation. Healing the physical body is the foundation for that vessel that holds our soul. Learning about what foods fuel you, give you energy, is life changing because it changes your energetic vibration, it changes your frequency. Everybody's different, depends on your energetic constitution, your aggravated constitution.

  35. Creating healthy boundaries is an act of self care. Saying no when something is out of alignment is so empowering, just say no. If it's out of alignment, just say no. 

  36. Intuition is the next mindfulness, and it's your superpower. Learn to trust it. It's a part of you. 

  37. We have all endured some type of trauma that created a belief pattern which our soul is here to learn and overcome and evolve into. When we choose to do the innerwork around that, we expand our consciousness. When we don't do the inner work, the pattern just keeps repeating the most.

    This isn't a belief that we choose, it's underneath the surface and most of us don't know it's there until we lean in and do the inner work and when we do we break that pattern and it gives you freedom and it helps you to feel empowered.

    The four most common we see are I'm not good enough, or I'm only good when I make good money, I'm only good when I marry that guy, or when my kids excel at a sport or get straight As, or when I'm pretty or whatever it is. We put an expectation on our essential goodness. You are an essentially good person. Your essential goodness is the core of who you are.

    Number two is that we are not lovable or I'm only lovable when I help others or when I look a certain way, when I have this type of job.

    Number three is I'm not safe or I'm only safe or the need for safety and security, the need to trust I got to have like I want to know that if I do this alternative method for healing I have to know it's going to work. It's hard for us to trust, it's hard for us to trust in ourselves and other people because we don't need to be safe, which is a fear and a block because it keeps us from having the courage to try other things that can help us. 

    And number four, the belief that we are hopeless. We believe that just because we have a certain genetics or we were given a certain life, or we have a certain job that we don't like or whatever, nobody can help us. It just is the way that it is and that is not true. It's a belief.

  38. Our fear and our ego keep us small. When love is the highest vibration frequency, fear is the lowest. It's like the bowl that holds all the negative emotions.Fear causes hate. Fear causes violence. Fear causes anger, our deepest fear. Our deepest fear actually underneath the surface is in our essential goodness, that we are worthy of all the amazing things in life. That version of you is just waiting for you with open arms.

  39. We are all children of God. We are all part of a larger integrated network of energy and everything does matter. Everything matters. For some of you, maybe the word God triggers you. If you notice, if you appreciate anything in this world, if you appreciate anything that is God, noticing the birds, the ocean, if you love to ride your bike, all of it, all of those created, all that is created, creation, the energy of creation, of the unconditional. Love is God.

  40. Angels are real.

  41. Most importantly, you and I are lovable, loving and loved unconditionally simply because we exist. That's all we have to do. There is no earning of love. There is nothing that we have to do or be to earn unconditional love. We are all worthy of it. We are worthy of being lovable, of loving unconditionally and being loved.


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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

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