Jen Mons Coaching

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Unwavering Embodied Trust is the path to Prosperity

Investing in yourself is a powerful act of trust. Perhaps the biggest one you will ever make.

The path we choose next supports our beliefs. It is the permission and pathway to the sovereign ownership of co -creating your life story.

What you invest and and how you invest expands.

If you invest from a place of scarcity then that energy expands. If you invest in your learning more about your health, marriage, personal growth, money, spiritual growth, then those energies expand. If you invest from the energy that something is broken, then that energy expands.

We easily disempower through scarcity around time and money, but the real reason we don't take aligned action is because we don't believe in ourselves or trust. When we are committed to our growth, we acknowledge this. Too often I see people addicted to healing and only looking at what is not working rather than what is. Embodied Trust is Prosperity Consciousness.

Here's the real truth medicine. The investment of time, money, and resources is just the beginning. It might feel like you move mountains just to take that action but then the real work begins. In a conversation with a former client that I met in a mastermind 5 years ago, she reflected back to me the expansive and sustainable energy growth in both my personal and professional life. Every investment I made in a coach beginning at $1500 in 2017 came back 4-10X. My most recent investment was $30K. Why and how? Why in every mastermind or group coaching did my health, relationship or business expand more than others? What is the secret to consistently expanding and growing? Before it was a coach is was $35K on my taxes in 2009 reflecting the investment in holistic and integrative health during a health crises. The resources were not available at the time. We trusted. At one time I invested $33K in legal expenses to protect the business I created. I did not choose these experiences.. they came to me and were opportunities to fold over and do the easy thing, or invest in a new path. When asked would I do them again? 100%yes every time. There is no wrong path.. only clarity. I am committed and I trust which means I am devoted to the path given to me without attachment and through the energy of surrender.

It's the level of commitment and devotion that you have and the faith and trust that you embody every day when you do not see results that separates those who embody and those who watch from the side. This is key. So many women stop believing in themselves becuase of patterns repeating but they are only choosing to see what is not working. In that moment that you choose to have FAITH and TRUST when things are the hardest, when you feel like giving up, when you push things off…. that is the moment you dig deep to activate faith and trust. Those are the moments that ignite your path. Because decisions and investments made in trust allow for more opportunities to trust and more expansion. That is prosperity. When you KNOW that you are held, supported and loved even when you cannot see it in the external world.

Prosperity Consciousness is an internal shift.

The Embodied Feminine Leader invests in herself in the energy of co creation in which she is ready to expand into. She does so in her sovereign deep knowing that all her choices are bigger than her. That she is held, protected, and supported each step of the way. Therefore she sees the signs but does not rely on them. They are a wink from God to stay the course and trust, but she does not seek or expect them. She surrenders to the path and the long term sustainable results, embodied and fulfilled come with unwavering trust. The kind that needs no confirmation.

#embodiedtrust #prosperity #embodiedfeminineleadership #5elementwellth

P.S. When I shifted my website in 2018, I lost my entire blog of 8 years… I have decided to bring it back because so many people asked me if I had one. Here it is :)

Here are podcast episodes on trust and prosperity

Episodes 156-165 is the 10 week Prosperity Experience

Ep. 134 A visualization to Embody Prosperity

Ep 132 The Energy of Prosperity

Ep 131 An invitation Trust Visualization

Ep 130 What it means to be Sovereign

Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Begin with the Daily Devotion Journal and 13 Moons Membership

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.