Ep 165 Celebration and Integration of Legacy
Its celebration time and celebration and gratitude is the foundation for the energy of embodied trust that Prosperity lives in. What we focus on and bring our intention to expands in life. In this episode, the tenth week of the Prosperity Experience, we celebrate and integration our learnings, growth and create alignment. Jen shares the energy of intention and hope is to sprinkle more love into the community. May you be blessed with opportunity to grow, create, share and prosper in health, wealth and love!
Key Notes:
The more you choose to invest in yourself, the more your energy will continue to expand
The best thing you can do for yourself is take ownership of your decisions and choices
How you are your greatest gift
Show Notes:
(02:36) Jen shares what this week’s episode is about
(04:45) How we have really grown and what we have learned on the Prosperity Experience
(08:38) The different types of buyers
(11:47) The more you choose to invest in yourself, the more your energy will grow as a person
(12:32) Jen invites you to reflect on the past 10 weeks
(14:59) If you choose to invest in yourself you will grow and expand in ways beyond your capacity
(17:14) Jen shares a simple visualization to close the celebration
(08:14) When you really decide to invest in yourself that’s when really the transformation occurs
(11:31) You are your purpose
(14:40) You know your journey
(15:07) What you invest time and money in expands
Website: https://www.jenmons.com/
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXFG_uyCRg9nxM43jS9mvUg
13 Moons of Devotion: https://www.jenmons.com/13moons-of-devotion
The 13 Moons of Daily Devotion Journal: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BN43KCV5?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860
Meditation Bundle: https://jenmons.simplero.com/meditation-bundle
North Star Collective: https://www.jenmons.com/collective
Soul Wisdom Imprinting: https://jenmons.simplero.com/products/120272-6-Key-Constellations-to-Soul-Wisdom
Prosperity: https://www.jenmons.com/prosperity
This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being. This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.