Ep 83 The Balance of Flow and Cyclical Planning
What is the balance between flow and cyclical planning?
Jen shares how living in the flow is the ability to be connected to your inner wisdom through your body. How stepping into flow is stepping into trust.
Key Points to Learn:
What is living in flow and how it looks like
How we live with intention and aligned action through cyclical planning
How to have a balance between flow and cyclical planning
Show Notes:
(00:25) Jen talks about how 2020 has been and what it taught us
(01:32) Jen invites us to be open and curious to allowing us receive new ideas around the way we live in the flow of our lives in 2021
(02:14) What are the benefits of allowing yourself to have a softer and more nurturing feminine flow in your life and more balance
(03:32) How being busy distracts us from the things we need and love most. It keeps us from nourishing our bodies and from the deeper connections with our loved ones
(05:10) Jen shares what living in flow looks like and what it doesn’t look like
(08:30) How learning to discern when your “Yes” is from a healthy place or survivor place is very important
(10:57) How attachment is not in the flow but it’s in a fixed point and how flow is fluid
(11:31) Another way to live in the flow is to create intentions rather than goals.
(12:32) How living in the flow takes a lot of trust
(14:04) How it takes a lot of intention and a lot of strength to come to a place of trust
(17:10) What is cyclical planning?
(18:21) Jen shares how she planned her life cyclically
(19:42) What the four phases of feminine cycle are
(26:40) Jen narrows it down on how she does this everyday
(03:28) Busy-ness is really just a distraction from our truth
(04:45) Nothing will ever be the same again. We get to choose differently moving forward
(09:28) We surrender to the flow and we welcome in just limitless possibility.
(09:40) The only thing standing between you and what you want is YOU
(10:09) Living in the flow feels like inner power, inner wisdom
(18:06) Devotion comes from the heart. It’s a willingness to commit and to surrender.
Links Mentioned:
Website: https://www.jenmons.com/
This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being. This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.