7 levels of Energy Attunement for your Energy Signature

When you say yes to you, you say yes to your life, you say yes to God in the universe. I am ready to receive all that I am worthy of. And some of the things that happen is a new love of their life comes in or a new job opportunity happens, or a new house comes on the market and they move spaces into something new, they create new space. 

These experiences are like almost energy portals of expansion into the next sort of path or journey. And when you say yes to you, to whomever is supporting you, or maybe it's just to yourself. Maybe it's to your sacred ritual that you say yes to creating. Maybe it's to exercising or eating healthier, to a new relationship to your life. Maybe it is to seek out support from a coach or a mentor and go that deeper level. But when you choose to invest in yourself and you believe it and you embody it and you embrace it, the whole world, your Higher Self, Divine Source, is just like holding this higher vision of you until you are ready to receive it. A coach and a mentor with Divine Source hold that higher vision for you that is waiting for you and will guide you until you're ready to receive it. 

The Seven Steps to Energy Attunement, and your energy signature so that you can embody your soul's signature, which is really your higher self, which is the highest vibration of your soul. Create this container through our body, through our life, where we become the highest vibrational match for the highest expression of our soul. So we create this life, we create healthy boundaries, we create healthy relationships. We let go of toxic relationships, toxic foods, toxicity in our life, toxic energy. We heal those emotional wounds that we're carrying because those are toxic too. They're in our past and they don't identify who they are. They're just a part of our experience and when we do that, when we clear up that space, we welcome new space for that upgrade, that uplevel, that expansion in our life, that calling in what we really want because we get rid of all of the fears and the blocks that are holding us back. 

Energy attunement is the idea that we all come in with this frequency. How do we live in alignment with our highest vibration, our frequency that we come into the Earth with? What is the highest frequency that we are able to hold and how do we become a vibrational match for the highest frequency or vibration of our soul? 

If our only purpose in life is to embrace who we were born to be, to become a vibrational match for the highest expression of our soul, there are steps that we can take to nourish the container, the vessel held in our human body, so that we raise our vibration, our frequency. And so that is what we are calling in. 

When we experience disturbances in the Chakra system or the energy body that come from toxic foods, toxic relationships, energy blocks, it can show up as disease, illness, addiction, depression, low self worth, low energy, overwhelm, exhaustion. It simply means that we're out of alignment.

The first foundational step that we embrace is in discovering your energy signature and creating your own soul mapping to embody your energy signature is creating sacred space and we do this by clearing energy. We do this by creating our own sacred container and space for healing. So just like in our physical body,this one includes cleansing, getting rid of toxic foods and receiving nourishing foods. We're talking about the space of our energy body here. We're talking about clearing out toxic emotions, getting clear on we're talking about getting clear on our beliefs on time and energy. So we do this by participating in an energy dump or a brain dump, where we take a moment to list out all of the things that are not serving you in this moment, all of the things that you think you have to get done because most of us are overachievers. Most of us have way too many personal goals that make us feel like we're not good enough because we're never meeting them. 

Write down all of the things that you think you have to do at this moment. It could be pages long and really clear out that energy. If it's painting your bathroom, or writing that book, or going grocery shopping, or signing up for a session with that coach, or making that doctor appointment, whatever it is, write down all of those things. If it's taking your kid to get her dance shoes next size up, whatever it is, write down all those things. Start to clear the energy and then get really clear and build a relationship with time and energy. Start to explore what are your beliefs around time and energy. So notice the things that you say to yourself, I don't have the time, or I just don't have the energy to do this. Notice if you say those things because there's a lot of power in words and start to discover what your relationship is with time and energy were the things that you heard when you were a kid. 

What do you notice around your beliefs about time and energy? Because we're talking about time and energy in the same way. The ability to shift our perception on time because really we all have the same 24 hours in a day and if we want to go even deeper, there is no time and space in the spirit world, in dimensions. We created a measurement for this. So our perception of time and energy is what our belief is about it.

Creating sacred space is the present moment. All of the energy that is in that moment goes so much further than just that moment. But the energy that is in that moment is truth. Bring in a tangible event in that anything that we create energetically in our vision, in our energy field is already a part of you. If the dream is in you, it's for you. So, this is the presence of the energy of the dream that you've already imagined, if you can see it, sense and feel it, believe it, it's already in you. And all we do is choose to take the steps to get there. So this is the sacred space, this is the container, this is clearing the energy to call in what we want.

The second awareness around discovering your energy signature is healing energy blocks. And when we do this, we can harness their power and use that as a catalyst for change. Many of our blocks show up as fears. They show up as self limiting beliefs and so this requires a little bit of inner work, healing the heart space, noticing the patterns that are running our lives, subconsciously, leaning into that uncomfortable space, noticing what the fear or the block is that is holding you back from taking that next step. 

The most common blocks or self limiting beliefs that show up, the fear of being unworthy, unlovable, not good enough, hopeless, not safe. And so just kind of noticing the patterns that show up in your life, the many different areas of your life. When we notice, when we do the innerwork, when we lean into it, there's so much power in that fear, in those blocks. Rather than letting it go and discharging that energy, we can actually harness the energy of that self limiting belief or that fear and use it as a catalyst for change. 

How can we do this in our life? How can we face those fears and lean into them and harness their power? There's so much power in those and use them as the catalyst for change. Go beyond the fear.

The third level of awareness in your energy signature is intuitive. Nourishment receiving, cleansing and receiving. The balance of cleansing and receiving in our physical body. This raises our vibration in our physical bodies when we figure out the foods that are making us feel heavy, just as we did before with the emotions and the self limiting beliefs, because all of these things have a very low vibration, they're very heavy. Just as we chose before to do it in the heart space, now we're doing it in the physical body.We are letting go of the foods that might be causing inflammation. We are letting go of foods that have a lower vibration and we are figuring out what, what foods can fuel us, what foods can raise your vibration, which of course the highest energy vibration food is going to be anything raw. 

Fruits and vegetables have the highest frequency. You can almost think of it as like, where does it come from on the earth, right? Fruits come from trees, so they're like a higher up. Then there's root vegetables beneath the earth, which are very grounding. So you can sort of think of it in that way. 

Lower vibration foods will include energetically, just anything processed, anything without color and then dead animal food. Animal protein, that's a whole another controversial topic. Sometimes we need that lower vibration food to ground us.

There are three ways you can ground through food energetically. To lower vibration includes three choices. Root vegetables from the earth, under the ground, junk food, or animal protein that's cooked. Those are all lower vibrations. Now, of course, some may say that there is a way to nourish the body with animal protein. And so for some of you, that might work. It depends on your energetic constitution, where you are and what vibration you're living in. But figuring that out is super powerful, figuring out which foods fuel you and which ones take energy away from you.

Cleansing with food, drinking water, juicing to raise the vibration. Intuitive, nourishment learning about what works for your body. Intuitive eating is so important because this is where we give and receive multiple times a day. We have to eat to survive. So every opportunity, every meal is a chance to either give your body fuel or to deplete it. So intuitive eating is a super powerful gift and it's part of building that sacred container in your physical body. 

The fourth level of awareness is energy management. This is all about creating clear boundaries and intentions. So there's boundaries and then being intentional about your choices. Energy management is the new time management. Energy management is about being intentional with your choices, getting really clear about being in alignment with your truth, with your values, with your goals, with your vision and creating the boundaries in relationships, environments with your physical body about which you will allow yourself to receive and where you will give. Because everything is a balance of giving and receiving, cleansing and nourishing.

So just being really clear on your intentions, is this in alignment with my highest intention? Does this have to happen right now? Am I the one that has to do this? There might be something that you're passionate about and that you want to support, but maybe you don't have to be the person who does all the work. Maybe you support it in another way. So just being super clear about how you spend your energy, where do you take on energy that isn't serving you? Where do you give energy that isn't received? Is it in alignment with your belief system, with your energetic field? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can go and speak at that event or say yes to bringing on a new client or volunteering for that PTA position, it doesn't mean that you have to. Just because you can and just because you can do it well doesn't mean that it's in alignment with where you are. So just getting super clear on that. That's what energy management is about, keeping your energy field clear about what you want to receive and what you want to put out into the world.

The fifth level is energy alignment through self devotion, creating that sacred ritual. So once we clear out old belief patterns, we clear out toxicity in our life. This is a work in progress. This is a practice, it doesn't just happen overnight. Sometimes we come back to the second level and each of these are representing, they're connected with the seven chakras coming into alignment through the chakra system, keeping that energy clear as we go through the process. Sometimes we have to come back to that root chakra. Sometimes we have to come back to those primal needs. Sometimes we have to come backand heal the heart space. Sometimes we have a relationship with somebody who is uncomfortable and shows us there's a deeper layer of healing in this area. So we always know that it's a practice, that it's a journey. But creating that sacred ritual helps us to ground into our intention. It keeps us in alignment. By starting the day out with being really clear about how you want to use your energy for the day. Taking a few moments in the morning to reflect in stillness, to think about what you have happening that day. Who are the people that you'll come in contact with? What is your intention for the day? How will you use your energy? How will you nourish yourself? How will you show up in a certain space? Where do you need to be mindful of giving too much energy? Where do you notice that there may be toxic energy in a relationship or an environment, either physically or energetically, when you feel depleted?

Creating that sacred ritual keeps the energy, the intention of our use of energy and alignment and of course, to seal the sacred space of each day. Seal the envelope with daily gratitude and celebration. The gratitude and the celebration help to remind us what we have accomplished, what we did do. A lot of times we don't give ourselves enough credit for all of the things that we're doing, for all of the things that we are, for the choices that we've made. Even if it was just smiling at the person when you check out at the grocery store opening the door for somebody, or not allowing yourself to be triggered by something somebody said, or choosing self care, going to that yoga class, that workout class, making a smoothie for yourself, allowing yourself not to be totally depleted after. 

For some of you, spending time with the inlaws in the different ways that that shows up, maybe it's standing up for yourself, not being a people pleaser, not giving too much. But how can you allow yourself to celebrate something that this day gave to you? What can you be thankful for? And then moving into another foundational step of really starting to embody that ignite energy signature is embodying it through our body wisdom.

Embodiment is super important. Embodiment is like the stamp on the envelope. It's like the imprint, the energetic imprint that we create in the physical body, which the physical body is the container that holds this life experience.So, we can say we're thankful for something, but when we allow ourselves to feel gratitude on a deeper level, on a cellular level, then we embody it, we become it. We are no longer separate from our experiences. So this goes even deeper to say that we are not separate from our trauma, we are not separate from our pain, we are not separate from our experiences. We are the experience, we are the fear, we are the love. We are any illness. We are all of those things embodied in our wholeness. And the physical body is sort of like the container that imprints it on a cellular level. We do this through working with our energy fields through the chakras. Many of you may be familiar with the seven within the body, and there's 13. But the embodiment piece is really honing in on those seven chakras. The root, the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye, the crown, and keeping  those energy fields clear, rooting down into the earth through our sacral chakra and opening up that connection to divine source through our crown chakra and embodying that circular energy and holding that energetic frequency, that pattern by keeping our energy clear. Sometimes this requires some external energy healing.

Sometimes we need support beyond just coaching, sometimes we actually need physical somebody to come in and help clean that up for us. Embody your light body. Sometimes there is a time and a place to call on the people who can help us clear our energy fields. So knowing when to seek support and guidance for that healing massage, access bars, reiki, Light Bodywork, Rohan. 

The embodied healing self is about having the support to do that when you need it, and then knowing when to trust your own intuitive guidance. So the embodied healing self is about knowing when to have someone support you to do the healing work for you but the embodied healing self is about learning to trust your own intuitive guidance in your own healing and then finally we come to discovering your soul signature.

So the 7th foundational layer discovering your soul signature, your energy signature your only purpose is to embrace who you are before you came into this life. Your soul decided to come on this planet for a purpose, for a reason. All of our life experiences are opportunities to walk closer to that path or to sort of take the long way. And we're always right where we need to be. It's happening whether we know it or not. We start to notice that abundance of life. Abundance meaning, connection, love, nourishment financial security, joy, intimacy, all of the things that we love in life are all about receiving. Receiving the truth of who we are, receiving that highest expression, which is the truth of who we are. Knowing our self worth to be worthy of receiving all that life has to offer. And even when those challenging times come leaning into and recognizing that it's a contraction that will be followed by another expansion, another growth edge, an expansion of our vibration, our energy signature, our soul, and learning to tap into our own intuitive guidance that we all have. There are probably moments where you notice it, but we've forgotten that it's there or maybe we don't trust it. So honing those intuitive skills that are our truth. 

We can receive messages through our heart before our brain can cognitively make sense of it. That's heart intuition and learning more about the different types of intuition and how they show up in our life and our connection to what you'll hear me say sometimes. Our higher self, which is that divine source of unconditional love, it's like the God within us embodying that higher self. You can think of it as Christ consciousness, right? Like he was the ultimate human being that embodied divine love, embodied God in man form.

What we are here to do as a practice is to live a lifestyle, to make choices, to take care of ourselves, to honor ourselves in a way that we become more connected with our higher self, our soul signature. All of this happens through energy attunement. Those are the seven levels of energy attunement.


Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.


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