Navigating Decision and Aligned Action from a Healthy Place

How to know when to take action? Let's just settle into that question for a moment. How many of you experience doubt, fear, maybe even imposter syndrome around making decisions? Just kind of noticing for a moment what comes up for you when it's time to make a decision, because decision does create momentum. I talked last week about the law of diminishing intention and I talked about intention deficit disorder, what it is, what the law of diminishing intention is, which is the longer that we wait to do something, the less likely it is to happen. On the other hand, what we can choose to see is that when we're ready for something, but if you are too busy and distracted from the life around you that is supporting you, well, you're just missing. You might just be missing all the things that are there for you. You might be missing your soulmate. You might be missing a collaboration, a business opportunity, a teaching moment, an opportunity to work with someone, a coach, a healer. That's why it's important to stay true to our intentions. 

There's a balance between the aligned yes and the sacred no. What's the balance between that aligned yes and that sacred no? What's the balance between trusting and not beating ourselves up when things don't look like in the moment they're supporting us? This is really important because this is what really separates people from moving forward or just staying where they are.

Prosperity consciousness is embodied trust. And it's in those moments when the results aren't there that you're really getting clarity on your level of trust. It's that last 1%. It's easy to trust when things are going well. And then as soon as you feel like you're not being supported anymore, or as soon as things in life are not showing you, at that moment, you believe you choose to believe that you're not being supported? Where is your trust? What would happen? Or what happens when you shift to believing and knowing and trusting even more in that moment that what you thought you wanted wasn't meant to be, that maybe something greater is working for you. 

I'll tell you what, you learn so much more when you don't win. When things don't go your way, when relationships end, health crisis, financial crisis, relationship crisis. We don't even have to go through a crisis. Let's just say set back all of those things. It's an opportunity to beat ourselves up if you want to, if that's what you want to do. But what if you just chose to be like, okay, that didn't work, what can I learn from this? I'm not going to make myself wrong .I'm tired of making myself wrong. What can I learn from this? And what did I get clarity on? Thank you for this painful experience, because I'm no longer choosing to look at it as a mistake, but as an opportunity for clarity on what is not working. That's it. No wrong, no failure. Clarity on what didn't work. Thank you for opening the door to a new path for new possibilities and there you go. In that moment, you get to choose. Do you sit and ruminate on what's not working, or do you take that next step? You breathe through it. You process it. Give yourself permission to feel it. Don't ignore it. Don't avoid it. Otherwise, just keep coming because it's going to be like, okay, really? Like, did you get this? Because if you didn't, it's just going to happen again in a new way because that's what we're here to do. Our souls are here to evolve. That's what we're here to do. And so in that moment, you get to decide, am I going to sit with this and just spin in this and beat myself up, or am I going to kind of turn my head just a little bit, like, there are two paths. 

There's the hard path and the easy path and we just kind of go back and forth between two because we're just evolving and growing. So are you going to shift over a little bit and take a step the other way towards who you're becoming? Are you going to sit in the energy of all the things that haven't supported you and where you are now? Or are you going to be grateful for all of the learning experiences and the clarity to help you move forward?

How do you know when to take a line to action? You have to be willing to decide. You have to be willing to take action. First of all, your decision creates momentum and you have to be willing to just take that action and know that it might not turn out the way you want it to. Even if your action is a non action, that's still an action. Indecision is still a decision. It's just a painful one to sit in. So every choice, whether it's indecision or a decision, creates next steps. It creates an energetic frequency to the path that you're working on. So just know that you sitting in an indecision is your decision at that moment. It's just not serving you because it's like chaotic energy. It's just kind of moving around and it's just not intentional. 

I've shared with you ways and steps to get clear on how to be intentional and they are really sustainable steps, quite simple things that we can do every day; eat, breathe, nourish, move, journal, meditate, things like that. Find a way to come into stillness. Listen to yourself. This is where you get to build the muscle of your intuition. So I want to speak a little bit about having our faith and intuition. I'll share with you, in my opinion, how we can blend this together. We can have both. It's the voice inside us, the voice of the Holy Spirit. Really like the energy. Energy is the language of spirit. And so a lot of times we're all saying the same thing. We just have to have our words attached to it. But the moment that we exclude other people because of their choices, we do this with politics and religion all the time.The moment we do that, then we're just closing ourselves off to possibility and learning. It's really just a different language or way of saying similar things that we're really very similar under the surface. We have different external experiences but we have a lot of the same needs and beliefs underneath. So it's important to take that time to be intentional, to build that muscle, create that space for stillness through meditation or prayer or journaling or all three. There's really no way around it.

Setting that intention every day will give you so much more clarity to take that aligned action to make that clear decision, whether it's an aligned yes or a sacred no. And the sacred no can be challenging for the people pleasers because you have to ask yourself like, why am I saying yes? Is this aligned with my values? Do I have to be the one doing it? Is it the right time? Remember, that the energy that we enter a relationship with is the energy that expands, whether it's a relationship with a person, relationship with food, with health, with money, with yourcareer, whatever decision you make, whatever energy you're entering that decision with expands. So if you're entering the decision within a decision, that expands.If you're entering that decision from a place of scarcity or fear, that energy expands. If you're entering that decision, which a decision creates a relationship because it creates momentum to grow, to enter the next, it's either a relationship with God or source yourself as a person. An opportunity like decision creates momentum to facilitate growth in a relationship in some way. So if you enter that decision from a place of trust and knowing growth, then that's the energy that expands. That's how it works. 

Decision creates momentum energetically. So that energy that you're making that decision from expands. Itโ€™s important to be aware and to take ownership of ourselves in our decision making process. It's that's part of being sovereign, having that authority, that deep inner knowing. So knowing when to make a decision and take aligned action starts with your willingness to be intentional, your willingness to create a daily practice of checking in with yourself. You have to be willing to slow down enough and facilitate that relationship between you and your inner guidance system, between you and God, between the voice that you hear, between your body. Wisdom like this is so important. 

When was the last time you did this? And when do you create the intention to do this?vLet's just say we start today with five minutes a day. Over time, this just becomes part of who you are. It's not even anything extra to do anymore because you become the experience. You embody the person. It's like healthy eating habits. The more you choose to eat healthy food, that's just who you become. Because you don't even think twice about going out to eat at a place that is not healthy. You just don't. Because you embody health. So it's the same with the energy of intention and really having clarity. Clarity on your decision making comes with your intention every day. So it's a small practice. So what I'm saying is, how in this moment, moving forward, are you going to create space in your life every day to practice clarity and intention? Because that space creates and builds that muscle of trust in your decision making process. It's really simple and it's non negotiable. 

Wealth is really building the muscles as multidimensional beings you can think of like your soul wisdom imprint. That program facilitates growth physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Five elements to living well, that's the foundation. If you choose to live with intention, sustainably with these small steps, you become that person. You don't even have to think about it. It's not anything you do. It's just who you are. Nothing to prove. It's just who you are. It becomes easier and you build that muscle of clarity. Trusting your inner guidance system, trusting your intuition because intuition is built on trust and so is the energy of prosperity. What most of you are seeking is trust. Believing in yourselves, overcoming the doubt. You have to be willing to commit the time and intention. It's not much and what follows that was just practicing non attachment. Just not making any decision that you believe to be right or wrong means anything about you. You just get to practice making decisions with intention.

Sometimes it looks like it's working out, sometimes it doesn't. Who knows what is right at that moment? It doesn't matter. What matters is that you're on your path moving forward one small step each day. Building trust. Yes, you do build trust through the opportunities that don't look like they served you in that moment. Because guess what? Later on you find out that they did. Sometimes it's a month later, sometimes it's six months, sometimes it's a year, five years, ten years. You don't know. I don't know. But you just keep moving forward to the person that you're becoming and just let go of all the stories. Let go of all the judgment and the stories of what anything even means about you. Because that's all created in the mind anyway. What you think about yourself based on your decision isn't what somebody else thinks. 

Everybody gets to choose what they think. All of that thinking about what it means is probably not serving you. It's okay to sit with, sit with, just noticing, really checking with the body. Somatically is what I would encourage you to do just to kind of sit with the possibilities. But allow your body, allow your intuition to guide you. A

One of the questions I like to ask myself is, what's it going to feel like when I take this action? What does it say about me when I make this choice? What does it say about me when I don't make this choice? Because that's where the stories and the judgments come in about who we are based on past experiences. Let's just bring it to the surface and be curious, what's the story around this? So if I decide to do this, what does that mean? And if I decide not to do this, what does it mean? Sometimes we can. Most of you are probably familiar with listing the pros and the cons. Like just getting super clear, writing it on paper. What does it mean if I do this? What does it mean if I don't?  Why would I say yes to this? Why would I say no when I look at my values? Is this decision getting me one step closer towards that bigger goal, that bigger vision, that bigger intention? Is it supporting me in my truth and who I'm becoming? It's really easy to get caught up in the little things every day.

Just knowing that if you're being shown support or even if you can't see it but you can feel it, or you're willing to receive support, you don't always have to know the how, but what you're seeking is seeking you. To know and not do is to not know. Just kind of notice if this happens. Create the space to trust yourself. But there's so many things that we know because we're so good at gathering information. But are you in paralysis by analysis? 

The different sabotaging behaviors and beliefs and actions that we take when it comes to owning our source towards financial freedom.Because money speaks.It speaks about your values, the way that you spend. It speaks a lot about how you make decisions. And it's an energy just like it is on how you choose to use your time. Two really great tangible resources that are showing you and reflecting back to you what your values are truly like. If you want to know what your values are, are you consciously investing or unconsciously spending? Are you in alignment or are you busy? Are you in time management or energy alignment? Those are two different shifts. I like to teach about energy alignment and conscious investing. It's kind of next level expansion. So just notice sometimes we know something's going to happen, but this is kind of a Saboteur too. We just want to wait for it to just happen magically. 

This is my thing about manifestation, that it's such a buzzword that is misused. Manifestation is not just sitting there and waiting. Manifestation is knowing the possibility and aligning to the frequency of the possibility through aligned alignment that might be action or inaction, but most of the time it includes you being a part of it and making the choice to say, yes, I'm In alignment with this, asking you shall receive.

Knowing when to take action, what do I need? What is the space between the surrender and the sacred no and the alliance action and the yes, it's creating that space for clarity, creating the time for intention and learning to work that muscle of trust, which leads to your intuition, which leads to support, it's all of those things. And then the fourth thing is just remaining unattached to the possibility and you just get to keep trusting. 

If you really want to amplify your experience,allow yourself to be supported, like, why not? What do you have to lose? When I look back over my life, in every major transition that I ever went through, I kind of like to call it like a soul upgrade expansion, sort of like the next level, which for me followed very challenging experiences. When I look back, every penny was worth it. I never ever did I say even I can remember being asked, like even when I was investing heavily in healers and integrative wellness back in 2009 during a survival mode for health crisis, I would never look back and say that it wasn't worth it because we learn and we grow. Even if there were things that I invested in that I'm not sure created the result that I wanted, that didn't mean that it wasn't right. I just got clear and more and more clear about what worked for me and my family. This is what we get to do. But if you're not doing that, then you're not giving yourself permission to grow. 

Find a way to be supported, whatever that looks like for you. Opening up, being vulnerable with your family, your friends, your spouse, finding a group to support you. Maybe a women's circle. Women's circles are just so awesome. They're just so powerful in my experience I love leading them. Magical things happen because most women are just seeking that permission to actually really be deeply seen and heard in the truth of who they are versushow they're showing up in the world. That's so powerful. That's what I do in my retreat. That's what I do in my circles. It's like the gates just open up and it's like my favorite thing. So finding a group that supports your finding a hobby or something, just taking some action towards alignment. 

Whatever that decision is that you're navigating right now, give yourself some time to create space, but don't sit in the indecision. And the key is to practice this every day. So when you're met with the decision, you don't have to sit with it because that's the law of diminishing intention. You sit a little bit, but really the longer you wait, the more likely it's going to be a no, because your thoughts come in, your head comes in, like telling you all the reasons why you shouldn't do it. But if you practice this daily, you develop this muscle of your intuition just really feeling like that's what it feels like when it's in alignment and that feels really good. It's like a place of freedom and ease and you'll know, because when you make that decision, you start stepping further and further away from second guessing yourself or feeling frustration after you make a decision, those things aren't really in your circle anymore because you continue to take a line of action. You move further away from that energy of feeling stuck and frustrated because you questioning whether you made the right decision or not. Like the remorseful buyer type energy, you continue moving further away from that. The more space that you create, the more aligned action you take, the more intention that you walk in.


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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

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