Allow your Passion to Create Prosperity

What I want to open you up with today is the belief that you can do anything and whatever it is that lights you up, that excites you, that's part of your purpose, and I'm going to invite you to follow that. And I strongly encourage you to be curious about it. And when I say purpose, understand that I believe we are our purpose. It's not a lining to a purpose. It's a lining on purpose. Things that excite us. It's part of us, our unique, energetic blueprint.

All the different things that people are passionate about and the things that we do to make time for that. Or maybe you're not making time for it, and it's time to make time for it. What are the things in your life that light you up?

So when we get super clear on what we want, and we say yes, and we allow ourselves to receive, then the miracle begins to unfold. And the more that we practice to be grateful for that, the more that it just keeps coming. And I know that some of you are in a place right now where maybe you just can't see that that's possible.

Prosperity is growth. And growth means you're willing, that you have the courage to find the things that are keeping you, that are blocking you. The only way to get through that is through it. Not around it, not over it, not projecting it, blaming it on somebody else, but through it.

So a couple questions I wanna ask you. You're probably wondering, well, what is my passion? What am I passionate about? And what do you mean prosperity anyways? Well, you answer that question by first answering the question, what does prosperity mean to you? 

Prosperity is your birthright. It's a creative life force energy that all of us were created from. It's limitless. It's a cycle of giving and receiving, capital R, mostly about receiving, because the energy of the universe, God's energy, God's love, is completely abundant, and there's so much there that we're not willing to receive. So it's being willing to receive. And prosperity is the energy of thriving in health, money and love. It's joy, it's gratitude, it's intention, it's freedom, it's flow. And the bowl that holds all of these is trust. When we trust that there's enough, when we trust that we are enough, that it's our birthright, we trust that there is enough. Because we see the creative life force energy in the earth. 

When we trust enough to give, knowing that we will receive it may not in the way that you think, but maybe just in realizing that it is in the giving that you do receive, if that is your specific need, maybe you're over giving and not allowing yourself to receive. It's being intentional and grateful. It's trusting in the flow of life. It is not competition, it is not scarcity. It is not a lack of trust. It is not just money or success. It is not short term, it is not greedy, it's not unauthentic. And it is not in the energy of overwhelm. Overwhelm comes from a place of scarcity. There's not enough. So I have to do more. But it's like just simplifying and just doing the thing that matters the most and aligning to that is actually pure prosperity.

Now that we know what prosperity is and isn't. What's your passion? Your passion is a combination of things. It's what lights you up, what brings you joy. So you can just start by just writing this down, what am I passionate about? What lights me up? What have the people in my life reflected back to me that I'm good at? So what are your values? How am I showing up in my values? Am I truly living in alignment to them, or am I not? Because when you are, you will likely find more fulfillment and be closer to that frequency of prosperity. But then there's an invitation to find five people, five closest people to you, or maybe like, a childhood friend, a husband, a current friend, a child, a teacher, just five different people, and ask them what five words describe you and notice if they align with your values. So in other words, how am I showing up in the world based on how I say I want to? Like, do people describe you as genuine and authentic if that's one of your values? Loyal, trustworthy, funny, passionate? Are you being described in the way that you want to and just noticing? And then after you go through that process of understanding alignment.

Next I want you to make a list of all your skills. Like, just, people have the craziest skills. Like, you would not. Just making a list of skills that you have, maybe you grew up on a farm and you can weld. Maybe it's making jewelry. Maybe it's cooking, baking, writing, creative writing, dancing. All the skills, actually, that might be more talents, but talents are a little bit different. But just like, all the skills that you have, the things that you can do so easily, you don't even have to think about it. And then make a list of your talents. What are the things that you put in a little bit of extra effort that you really loved and enjoyed doing that became your talents? So maybe that's more like playing the flute, right? Or sewing or baking or surfing or dancing or soccer, baseball, art, gardening. So what are your talents?

What are my characteristics that I want to live by, my values that I want to live by? Kind of just combining those lists and just looking for things that you kind of see a pattern. So we begin to see that everything that we've done has helped create who we are becoming. But if we don't give time and attention to that, then we don't really know. We don't have the clarity.

Now, make a list of the things that come easy to you and you enjoy so the skills come easy to you. The talents are the things that you enjoyed, and think about the characteristics and the values, and make a list of the things that come easy to you and you enjoy that you don't have to learn. Teaching, speaking, writing, art, physical activity, baking, sewing. But just thinking about, like, what are the things that I'm already good at that are so easy to me? Maybe because the way you were raised, it was, like, a value in your home. Managing money, budgeting. Budgeting is not scarcity, by the way. It's being intentional with your money. 

But the last question is, what would I do in my life if money weren't an issue? Because the fact that you think that you can't be paid for what you do is the reason you're not creating something, and it doesn't have to be your full time job. So the reason this is so important is because when we're in that creative energy. It just feels really good because we're not in the, what's not working for us anymore. We're in the, what can I do? It's a totally different energy, like, what can I contribute? What can I create? And if you're in survival energy right now, sometimes we just need to be there. Sometimes we just need to be there, get support, and we're not quite ready yet. But when you are ready, or if you're willing to be curious about it, this can help pull you out of it by focusing on who you're becoming rather than who you've been. And it's not avoiding it, it's working through it and getting clear on the why.

Maybe you want to assist women of domestic violence because one of the patterns that keeps showing up is you need to be safe because of maybe something that happened with you, so you get the support, you work through it, and then you create that experience. Maybe you create something around breast cancer because your family's been affected by breast cancer. Maybe you create something for cultural diversity because you've been on the receiving end of lack of cultural diversity and the effects of that. Maybe you create a space for women to come together and heal because you've been on the other end of sisterhood wounds or broken relationships between mothers and daughters and friendships and competition and the unhealthy side of that. Maybe you create a networking circle because you haven't found that circle of women that totally aligns with your values. Maybe you have a friend who's creating a networking circle that has a little bit more of a feminine energy, an entrepreneurial energy.

So it's less of the hustle and grinding and proving themself type of thing, and more of sharing and collaborating. So there's so many things that you can create based on your experiences and what you didn't have and what you needed and what you're passionate about, what you're naturally good at. Maybe your original degree, you were a lawyer or a doctor, or an engineer. There's a story many of us are breaking. 

What's happening right now with our generation is. We're claiming that as women we can do anything and we are valuable. So the only step to take is just to get clear on what you want to do. Because the thing that you want to do that lights you up isn't going to feel like work. It's going to be enjoyable. It's going to give you freedom. There's going to be some days where it feels like work because there is consistency as a part of it, too. The consistent part does definitely create the path towards success in terms of sustainability.

So what is it? What is the thing that lights you up? What are the things that come easy to you? What would you do if money were no object? What's the story around believing that you can't be paid for it? And how does it align to where you are right now in your life? Right.

Because I've got women who are stay at home moms. They gave up their job to be with their kids, or some of them are transitioning into going back to work. Some of them are a little bit older, and the kids are gone. They're tired of it, they've had a career for 20 or 30 years. They're absolutely miserable. They've had a health crisis. They've had a breakdown in marriage. They've had things that have just made them realize none of this was worth it anyway. And, you know, now what am I going to do about it? You're either going to show up differently in your current role,  you're going to shift your perception around why it is that you got yourself in that environment in the first place and really understand it, or you're going to choose to create something. You can create something on the side. It can be non for profit, it can be for joy, it can be a women's circle, it can be a retreat. You can be paid for the things that you love to do. Or you can slowly transition because you want to create something sustainably into fully creating a business for yourself. We live in a country where that's possible. And so it can be a small thing, it can be a big thing. It can be meal planning every week. It can be walking to the park, it can be walking out to the beach, going on a hike, connecting with your friend. And maybe it evolves into creating something for outside your family.

The things that feel the smallest are actually the biggest. The biggest impact we make is to those in our family. And then we get to our community, where we can make an impact. But really, the most important thing we do is how we show up in our family and then in our community and then in the world. For some of you, you may have a global vision to create impact. But it starts every day at home. The bigger vision will come. 

So get clear on, like, what is your bigger vision? What is your biggest why, if you want to go further? And maybe for today, it's just within my family, maybe it's my community, maybe it's to support breast cancer survivors or to support homeless pets, victims of domestic violence. What are the ways? What am I passionate about? And how can I contribute? Do I want to make a difference? Is it just by volunteering or is it by creating something? And how will I feel when I do it? And then to step, to take, to really allow your passion. You already know what your passion is, but to create prosperity, it's the invitation to trust and to receive. There will be people that will come into your life just at the right time to help you, invite you in, to show you the way, and give you opportunities. When you're open to receiving, you have to be open to receiving and trusting. It might mean that you take a little bit of a risk because otherwise you don't grow. You can grow without the risk, but we grow more when we're uncomfortable. And then just allowing yourself to be supported and trust and that energy of trust and intention and gratitude.



Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

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