Anti-Hustle Culture

I'm going against the grain a little bit and just taking a stance as an anti-hustle culture person, I really firmly believe, and I'm seeing it in my own life and the women that I'm supporting are really shattering that belief that hard work equals success. Diving into the root of, like, where did this come from anyways? How is it showing up? What is it really keeping us from doing and what do we think it's giving us but is actually preventing us? What are the values of the anti-hustle culture? And become curious about what might happen if you shift this. 

So I'm just going to take a stance and say I'm pretty anti-hustle, anti-boss babe, anti the whole feminine energy of the hustler boss babe. If you're calling yourself this, there's no judgment against that. I'm just saying that for me, those words don't resonate. I want to invite you to a different conversation. I'm always open to conversations. I think it's the people that we disagree with the most that we should be listening to the most, and I say should, but that we could be that we could be open to listening to. I think we can learn from those people the most. Actually, when we are really in a place of trust, we're able to listen to people with different ideas and perceptions because we have nothing to prove. That just kind of goes to show us where we are on our personal development path. 

I come to you from a place of really thriving or thinking over and over again that I was thriving and hustling. Becoming a mother, near death experience liver failure, overworking, overstressed in 2006, completely changed my life. And then guess what? I started my own business as a health coach. I learned so much, healed my body with whole foods and had a second health crisis in 2014 because I believe that food was medicine, and I do believe that it is. And I witnessed miracles in my family and the clients that I was supporting, and I still had a health crisis because I was still overworking. All I did was change the work that I was doing, but I didn't change the way that I was doing work or the beliefs that I had around why I was even working in that way. And there's so much to unpack around this. I know exactly where it comes from. I've been very committed to my own personal development and healing journey for the past 15 years, ever since that happened. I had a second health crisis that led me down the spiritual path, learning breath work, becoming a life coach and a yoga teacher, and understanding that our well being is multidimensional, it's not just physical. Even though I knew that, I didn't really embody it. So I come from a place of being there, done that, proved myself and have nothing else to prove, which is really nice to have that freedom. 

The energy that we enter a relationship with, any type of relationship, friendship, marriage, coaching, relationship, buying a house, going on a trip, business partnership, the energy that we enter that relationship with expands. So it's really important to take ownership of our state of being when we make decisions. Am I choosing from a place of fear or ego? Or am I choosing from a place of trust and surrender and possibility? And that's why I like to speak about this. Because of the work I do, I specifically support high achieving, purpose driven women to redefine feminine leadership, redefine success, redefine wealth, well-th, wealth and well-th. I do this through my five element well-th program and prosperity and feminine leadership program. Embodied feminine leadership is what we do.

It is so powerful to just unveil, to just release, like peel the layers, all the identities, just peel all that back because none of that is who you are. It's just what you do all the way down to the truth of who you are and then be seen in it and heard and valued and loved and supported both in your most vulnerable hot messiness to your gifts. It is one of the most liberating, most powerful experiences I've ever witnessed, been a part of myself, been supported through I've been in this work and I'm just so grateful because with it came improved health, improved connections and relationships in all parts of my life. Increased awareness, freedom, ease and joy and that's what the women are stepping into. 

When we give ourselves permission to lean into the resistance, get clear about why we become this way? How did we get ourselves into a culture of overworking and hustling, specifically as women? Let's just be curious about the timing of it, right? So in the big picture, things take time, but we can see. We look at our moms and then we look at our grandmothers. Like the opportunity that was available to our grandmothers was a lot less than it is for women now. The opportunity available to our mothers was less than it is now. But what have we done to ourselves? We've gotten ourselves into this hustle culture where we can do anything we want, but that doesn't mean we have to. It doesn't mean that we have to, it doesn't mean we have to look like we have it all together. It doesn't mean that you have to be a successful business owner or executive and a kick ass mom with kids who are thriving in excellence.

In fact, that's just not the reality and it doesn't have to be and all of that is okay. But it is possible.It is possible to thrive in those things. And I believe that comes with your commitment to do the inner work. The inner work creates the outer result because that's the world that we live in. You really live what you say and you do what you say from a place of integrity in your values you choose. You become the source of your time and money. So, I'm a solid stance against hustle culture, and I'm super passionate about it. Like, super passionate about helping women redefine what leadership is. 

I know that we are shifting this paradigm. I know that collectively, we are in a time of redefining this collectively, and that's what the pandemic started us. Thank you for that slowdown. That's when it all started. So that was a blessing, slowing down. So the anti-hustle culture revolution that I'm a part of, which believes that we're shifting this paradigm, especially women who have believed that your value is in what you do, not just who you are. Maybe you've forgotten who you are. You've been complimented and praised so much on your accomplishments. This is where we get to be super conscious as parents. Yes, compliment your children on their accomplishments, but more importantly, compliment them on their behaviors, who they are in the world as people, not their accomplishments. I think a little is healthy, but be mindful that you're also complementing them on their behavior. 

For many of us women, it felt good to be recognized for being fierce. We get to redefine fierce. So the anti-hustle culture that I'm taking a stance on is that I don't believe that you have to be stronger and faster to do something well. I don't believe in making decisions from a place of scarcity. I don't believe in black. I don't believe in being busy. Busyness is misalignment.

I invite people to shift the conversation from hustle to alignment. Alignment is clarity. Energy loves clarity. Every decision you make, every energy that you enter a decision with, expands. So instead we lift from a place of trust. When you step into alignment, you make decisions from a place of trust. It's a feeling. It's a muscle, you get to work. You set the intention every day to connect with truth and you build that muscle. And that 1% of trust even when the results aren't there. So there's no external validation for trust that takes a lot of surrender. There's no external validation when it comes to trust. It's you and your deep inner knowing even when the results aren't there in that moment because they will come. They always do and it's always better than what you imagined. Anti-hustle culture is in this paradigm shift that we are really in right now as a collective, especially for women. Redefining feminine leadership is invested in personal development. Self care comes first.

A person who is taking a stance against anti-hustle culture, anti overwhelm, anti burnout, commits in personal development and puts their values first, is committed to their health and their well being. And that's what five element well-th is all about. It's a circle that I lead with. Women are redefining the abundance of life through the lens of mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial well being. Connecting to joy, connecting to our values, our gifts, healing our heart, making decisions based on who we're becoming versus who we've been, creating sacred space, getting clear on our relationship with time and money and energy and support, getting clear on what we're available and not available for. Because when we're in overwhelm, we're entering a relationship from an unhealthy place, probably a need to be validated or loved or seen or recognized. I like to call it the martyr in our prosperity course. 

Prosperity is about trust and receiving. There are seven Saboteurs that show up in our relationship to money, but they also show up in our relationships in life. The people pleaser, martyr, the fixer, the tyrant, the free spirit, the saver. So just think for a moment like, am I a people pleaser? Am I always putting others' needs first? This is easy to do as a mom, to put your kids first, right? So the people pleaser, the martyr, the fixer. It's easier to fix somebody else's problem than our own. There's the tyrant, which is really the woman who's afraid to let go of control and has a hard time stepping into trust. Free spirit is more the avoidant. Like, I'm just going to let things just happen, go with the flow. But it's like that person needs healthy discernment. So just kind of noticing your thoughts, your actions, your belief patterns, are you stuck in overwhelm? Are you still trying to prove? Are you hustling? What does it mean to be a feminine leader to you? What does it mean to hustle? What does that get you? What does it mean to be fierce or to have it all together? What value are you putting on that? And whose belief is it anyway? Is it yours? What if redefining feminine leadership was coming from a place of trust and clarity, healthy boundaries, wisdom, feeling grounded and centered, getting clear on what you're not available for, what's not working, not going into the story of it, meaning anything about you not being enough or anything like that, but just gaining the clarity that it was misaligned. 

The embodied feminine leader leads life from her gifts and her values. She has nothing to prove, nothing to gain, even. She just is complete. So I have a poem I'd like to share with you:

The woman who stands quietly, confident, flows through life with ease and grace. She no longer identifies with a need to prove herself overwork, overachieve people please or for external validation. She takes time every day for stillness, movement, and nourishment. She embodies confidence and clarity, sovereignty and integrity. She does not spin in cycles of sabotage through procrastination and indecision. She acknowledges perceived mistakes as learning opportunities and clarity for what does not work. She stands in clarity, creating healthy boundaries. She trusts her intuition. She allows the grace of God To flow through her abundantly. She loves and is deeply loved .She knows her needs and she makes requests for the support that she needs. She receives abundantly in love, nourishment, joy and wealth. She isn't afraid to speak her truth. She is strong enough to release attachments. She invests in high level mentors and support. She leads in purpose from her passion. She is a balance of nurturing, love and fierce courage. She has a passion for life and creativity runs through her. She sees beyond the veil and all that holds others back. She takes aligned action in her gifts and embodies truth. She embodies prosperity, consciousness. She gives and receives with no expectation or attachment. She lives in freedom. Are you ready to meet her?

So I love that poem. I wrote it in the beginning of 2022 when I Was just coming to the end of a really challenging and painful experience which felt like betrayal, which those experiences really allow us to lean in and just kind of do that inner awareness of self betrayal. It just brought so much clarity to hitting another roadblock. Living in that energy of like, hustle and overwhelm once again, did not serve me. I find that for most women, it leads to a breakdown in one of three areas, if not all three, or maybe another but it's usually health, wealth or love. So either marriage or finances or your health, either mental, emotional or physical health. 

This is me giving you permission to step out of the hustle culture, to step into alignment and trust and clarity and to be resourced and supported and to thrive, to go from surviving to thriving. I want to acknowledge that your survival strategies have been glamorous and amazing and you've achieved so many amazing things because of them and you don't have to. There's another way to be fulfilled from the inside out versus that feeling of fulfillment based on external validation. What is underneath that is freedom and a new level of expansive awareness about what it really means to thrive. All of a sudden, all of these resources and opportunities just open up to you because you're living in a new space, you're living in an expanded state of consciousness. We are in a paradigm shift right now and you get to choose to be in it or to watch it. You're going to see other people. I've been in this shift, I'm doing it. Taking ownership of their well being, multidimensionally, taking ownership of their choices in their life and really making time for the things that really matter for you. Especially as women, we get to redefine what that looks like, not only for us, but for generations to come.



Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Begin with the Daily Devotion Journal and 13 Moons Membership

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

From Excuses to Clarity with Truth and Compassion


The Energy of Self Worth