Embodied Healing & Empowered Living

Today I'm going to share one of my favorite topics, pathways to embodied healing and empowered living. These pathways are part of a twelve level program that I work through in my mentorship program.

So why do we want to access embodied healing and empowered living? What does that look like for you? What does it mean for you? Embodied healing is all about accessing the healer within you. Accessing your body wisdom, your heart wisdom, your connection to source and grace, your intuition, your higher self, your divine self, God within you, so that you can have the awareness to proactively, live your life in balance, alignment, wellness,peace, joy, abundance, connection, intimacy. All of the things that most of us would like to have more of or come back to in our lives. 

Empowered living is living in the flow of the expansion and contraction and knowing when it is time to lean into the personal growth edge and knowing when it's time to be in a place of just being and integrating. 

So we create this space. That's the first step on the path is to create sacred space through energy management. So creating sacred space through energy management is about living with intention. It's about being present and living in alignment with what matters most to you. It's about seeking support when you need it, asking yourself if the choices you are making are in alignment with your values, if your choices, the decisions that you make to do something in your life, does it have to be done right now? Is it in alignment with me? Do I have to do it? Or is there someone who can support me? And being very intentional with your energy. So going beyond time management, energy management and how it's time to be intentional with the people that we give our love and attention to. The way that we do it, the way that we show up in our relationships with people, with nourishment, with our health, with food, with our finances. What is your relationship with all the areas of your life? What are the words that you're using? If you find yourself using the words I should or I have to, I would invite you to consider that maybe there's another way and to do a brain dump.Take notice if you're spending your time and your energy with the things that matter most. Asking yourself the question at the end of your life, if you were to look back at this moment, how would you feel?

The second step to embodied healing and empowered living is to clear energy blocks. This is where it's super helpful to have an intuitive like myself or someone else or a healer that does reiki if they're able to coach you through it. To help you to clear energy blocks, but more importantly, to heal the heart space and to transform those limiting beliefs and fears to transmute that energy into your gift. When we clear this energy, we create space to expand into something new when we heal. 

The next step is to embody self love through energy alignment. So this is not the act of committing to acts of self love. Massage and eat healthy, getting her nails done. But self love and self care is about being not the doing it's in those moments. How we show up and how we respond in the moments to our day to day life. The acts of self love and doing the things are easier than the awareness and the intention in the moment, because that's a practice.That's a practice of being in the moment. So, I invite you to consider that acts of self care and self love are a way of being and not doing and creating may be a way for you to anchor that awareness of those intentional moments where you embody self love and to acknowledge yourself and celebrate them.

The fourth step on the pathway to embodied healing and empowered living is moving up into that solar plexus chakra, intuitive energy, nourishment. So really, really understanding in a solid way how food is energy and how it affects your physical body. It has the power to heal medicinally and really understand and tap into that body wisdom. It's really important to have a healthy relationship with food. And our relationship with food and our relationship with your body is often a belief and a way that we show up in the rest of our life. So when we're in survival mode, we eat like we're in survival mode. If we're thriving, we eat like we're thriving. But most of us don't know what it's like to feel good until we do. And so perhaps participating in some type of Detox program, whether it's through herbal supplements or anti-inflammatory eating, and allowing your body to cleanse, to create space physically for healing, for less inflammation, and to develop that relationship with intuitive eating and nourishment might be something that you consider. However, I don't recommend doing something like that in the winter season. I know everybody wants to do it at the beginning of the year, but Ayurvedically energetically constitutionally, when you think of animals in nature, they're hibernating, they're resting, they're rejuvenating, and that's why we should be doing as well.

The fifth step towards embodied healing and empowered living is to heal body awareness through body wisdom. So building on just a little bit more than intuitive eating piece, it's also learning about the right movement for your body. There's such a wonderful gift in allowing your body to speak to you. Now, my favorite practice is through the practice of yoga, where yoga is really about creating that relationship, that healthy relationship with your physical body, really leaning in and listening to what does it need at this time? Many people choose to work out really hard and to overwork out in an unhealthy way rather than to have a balance of eating healthy and movement. Anything in excess, including running or working out, can be unhealthy. And again, this depends on your physical health and your ayurvedic constitution. Do you have a resting metabolic rate? What is your energetic constitution? Are you a vatapita? Are you a kapha? And we're going to get into that as one of the steps to really understanding the energy body, but knowing when it's time to rest and allowing yourself to flow in your routine based on the seasons, based on your season of life, and based on your seasonal changes outside. 

Number six next step on the pathway to embodied healing and empowered living is purposeful connection to joy. Purposeful connection to joy. Just like we talked about, self love is not an active doing, but an active being. Purposeful and intentional connection to joy is in the moment. Finding the joy in the day to day moments, the joy in the chaos, the joy in the challenges in life.  So it's finding the joy in those moments, finding the joy in all of the moments and just being more intentional about finding that and living that in life, it opens the heart, makes us feel more light hearted. Many of us are seeking that. Many of us want to come back to that remembering of that childhood joy and laughter.

The 7th step on the pathway is to embrace authenticity through soul mapping. You can do this through human design, Soul Contract Gene Keys and it really allows you to have a deeper understanding of the ways that you show up in your life based on your astrology, your birth, your name, because everything has an energy and a vibration. So your name, your birth date, where you were born, and also your energy gates and openings through the chakra system. 

The next step on the pathways to understand your energy body. Really understanding the science of Ayurveda. Because this helps us to understand why one diet doesn't work for everybody. We have a different energetic constitution, a different personality, and if you're a parent, you know, or even if you have pets or children, you know that when your children come into the world, or if you have more than one pet, they just are who they are. We have a certain energetic DNA and imprint in our body and it affects our senses, it affects our taste, it affects our metabolism. So understanding your Ayurvedic constitution and your energy body, your chakras, which chakras need to be cleared, which gates are open, is super powerful because we are not just physical beings. We have an energy body and everything has a vibration. And if we want to live in alignment with our highest vibration, then we really want to understand and nourish our energy body.

The next step on the path is to create sacred rituals for energy alignment. Creating a sacred ritual can look any way that you want it to. It could be the simple lighting of a candle. Journaling is a wonderful sacred ritual. Prayer, meditation, yoga, movement, walking your dog, spending time in nature, but finding a way to integrate your sacred ritual to make that commitment to stillness and reflection daily through centering prayer or the examine prayer or some type of silent, guided or active meditation but finding some type of sacred ritual or commitment.

The 10th step on the pathway is energy alchemy manifesting. Your dream life, spending time feeling what it's like to be in your truth, your clarity, your soul's purpose. By now you're ready.If you've done the healing, if you've cleared the energy blocks, if you're in a practice of being present by embodying self love and living in alignment. If you're connected with your intuitive nourishment, your body wisdom, intentional purposeful, openhearted connection to joy. Your authenticity, your soul's purpose, your energy body and you're committed to self devotion through your sacred ritual. You have the perfect equation for energy alchemy manifesting your dream life. The becoming, the opening to the coming home to who you were born to be. This is all we are here to do. There's a part of you, in you, who knows this truth. Maybe you forgot. Maybe you have been wrapped up in the overwhelm or busyness of life. Maybe you've had some major contractions and challenges, maybe you've experienced grief or loss in some way. Financially divorce a loved one's health, but being open to trusting. 

Once you have the clarity to know what you're here to do and where you're going, and you listen to that voice, that inner voice, that inner wisdom, and you have guidance and support when you need it, you are ready to take that step, to allow yourself to receive, to receive what it is that you're here to do. That takes us into our 11th step on the pathway to embody, healing and empowered living, which is to live in the abundant flow of life. Abundance is knowing that you have everything you need and allowing yourself to receive. It's all about that sacral chakra opening up to receive that divine portal to grace. That's what the sacral chakra is, the area of the womb. It is a divine portal between dimensions. It is our connection to grace. And so allowing ourselves to receive is a huge part of living in the flow of abundance. Thinking about abundance in the different areas of our life and what that looks like for you, I invite you to take some time to consider what is your relationship with abundance over, scarcity, receiving, allowing.

Then lastly, my friends, the ascension to the embodied, healing, self, and empowered living is by embodying our soul signature. Our soul signature is the energy frequency that we were born with when we came into this Earth, what we came here to do. It's all about just embodying who you were born to be, because nobody else can do that. And with all of the tools that I've listed that allow you, the gateways to accessing your soul's wisdom is through the embodied, healing, self and empowered living.



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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.


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