Nourish, Empower and Transform

What are the three different layers of accessing the healer within you? What are the pathways to accessing the healthier, happier version of yourself? 


So, the first path is nourish and power transform is the path of physical healing to the body. The nourish, the layering, the nourishing part of ourselves addressing the needs of our physical body include really learning intuitive eating.

Intuitive eating is being able to know and understand what works for your body at this moment because our bodies are always changing. Our lifestyle changes, we have different epigenetics or predispositions in our genes that we have different needs. This is true for all of us. Traumatic events can also affect our health and well being. So, there's just so many changes and this is why intuitive eating is the answer. 

You have to be given the tools to know what works for you by knowing what it's like to feel good first and we're not talking about going from feeling absolutely horrible to completely amazing overnight. There are so many success stories around the elimination diet, of just simply eliminating the foods that are known to cause inflammation for most people, and those include gluten, soy, corn, dairy, nuts and eggs. 

Then also learning and understanding your lifestyle and what your needs are. A person who is in the fitness profession or running an ultra marathon has very different needs than somebody who's sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day. So, really understanding your lifestyle and your needs, your body type, your genetics is all a part of it.

Anti-inflammatory eating gives our body a boost, specifically around the liver and kidneys, to regulate hormones and the metabolism by supporting the liver. For most of us, we don't know what it's like to feel good until we do. Because a lot of us might be running around daily, waking up and drinking coffee because we don't feel naturally energized and then drinking the wine to unwind at night so that we can sleep at night, which is just a repetitive pattern.That isn't necessary if you're living in balance.

So the nourishing path addresses not only the physical body and understanding how nutrition works specifically for your body. This is why I believe there is no one diet or trendy diet that is for everyone. 

And supplements, I don't believe there's anyone supplement that can really serve all of us because we're all uniquely different. So really learning and understanding in a way that you can eat, that energizes you, that makes you feel balanced, that makes you feel happy, it's important to have a healthy relationship with food as well because there is an energy behind the emotional attachment to food. 

So all of this is important. The principles of ayurveda and just learning to eat for your Ayurveda constitution. We're all born with an energetic imprint because everything is energy, every thought, every food, every emotional experience, everything has an energetic imprint in it. So, understanding the needs of our physical body and nourishing, based on our aggravated constitution and based on the physical needs of our body, our lifestyle, our epigenetics, and how our body feels is super important. 


Then the deeper layer is empower, which really gets into the emotional empowerment piece. So, this is for the person who knows how to eat healthy but just still doesn't do it or does a weight loss program, loses the weight, does a healthy weight loss program, not like a starving one or fasting one, and then a year later the weight back on and the old habits of eating cookies or potato chips while watching TV at night are still there. So this is really addressing the deeper layer of understanding. Why do those patterns keep showing up and doing the deeper work of understanding what the underlying belief under that pattern is? 

There's more than this. There are four self limiting beliefs that show up over and over again that are pretty common in most people. And that is either I'm not good enough or I'm only good when I look a certain way, I make a certain amount of money, I have that husband, I have that family or whatever. So not being good enough.

The second one is not being lovable. So I'm only lovable when I give to others or I'm only lovable when I provide this experience for my friends or whatever could show up.

Another one is not feeling safe, and this is like either not feeling safe in your body or not trusting others, not trusting that others can fully see you, understand you and help you, or not feeling safe in your own body's ability to heal.

Then the last one I see, the fourth one is that I'm hopeless. Really believing that there's nobody out there that can possibly see you or help you because this is just the way I am. This is the way I was born, this is the way it was in my family. There's nothing I can do to change it. Everybody has this particular chronic illness, so I'm going to get it. Everybody was overweight, so I'm going to be overweight and just really believing that you can't be changed and you're hopeless. 

So the second layer of healing, the Empower program, is really about just it's a four to six month program that really gets into that deeper layer. And we first start with creating sacred space. Most people call it time management, I call it choice management. And it's really getting clear on living in alignment with your core values. What matters most to you? Look at your credit card statement, look at your schedule. If you say that health is important to you, are you going to the gym? Are you eating at places that are not healthy? Are you going to the health food store or eating junk food? Get really clear and honest with yourself. And if connection is important, what are you doing to spend time with your family? What are you doing to connect with other people? So getting really clear on that and creating a schedule and a life that is in alignment with what matters to you. It is so important and so many of us are forgetting to do this because we are so busy, we don't actually even know what's important to us.

If you don't know, to get really clear on three to five things that really express who you are and just do a check. Am I living in alignment with these? So, creating that sacred space and then doing the deeper work to understand the self limiting beliefs and the patterns that show up in that cycle of self sabotage that repeats itself over and over again in those unhealthy thoughts and patterns that don't feel good, that show up. This could be around body image. It could be around not feeling worthy enough. It could be like, I know that I need support from this personal trainer, or I should go get a massage, or I should do this. 

When you find yourself using that subjective language, check yourself. If you should do it, then do it, because saying you should do it implies guilt and shame that you already are choosing not to do it and it is a very uncomfortable and unhealthy place to live and always feeling not good enough. Like, I should do it, but I don't. It already implies that you're not good enough because you're not doing what you know that you should be doing.

So that's the empowerment piece and getting understanding and learning again, the deeper layers of your body healing, body awareness, really connecting within your body through intuitive eating, intuitive movement, and connecting with you. 


So the third and final pathway to healing that deeper layer of yourself is the transform pathway, which is really more of a mentorship, and it's really about embodying. It is the idea of embodying that highest expression of ourselves, that allows that divine grace, that uncontrolled love to flow through us and just to live and stand in that grace. It is such a gift and to know and to accept and to be grounded enough in who you are to know that there's going to be ebbs and flows and there's going to be expansions and contractions and that's okay because you got this.

You feel empowered to know that all of our experiences are greater than us anyway, and to know the healthy boundary and when is it time to become empowered again and make inspired action steps. 

The emotional empowerment of peace has to also do with the healthy mindset.That's why we create the sacred space and that it's all a part of it. We have our physical body, we have our heart space, we have our mindset, we have our energetic body, and we have our connection to source and our connection to the people around us just in this experience. And it's such a gift when you completely,totally access the fullest expression of yourself.


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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

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