Become the Experience You Seek
Be very intentional with your words and choose to allow what your schedule is filled up with. And if it's not in alignment with what's important to your long term goals, then it should not come into your schedule anymore. When you start to do that and really honor and live in alignment with your goals, youโll start to have more energy, more time and more connection because you're intentional with your time.
Become the experience that you want to have. Become the love that you wish to seek. If you're seeking a partnership with somebody, become the love that you wish to seek. If you're seeking health and wellness healthier habits, become the person with those habits. Think like that person. Get support to become that person. Make choices like that person. Spend your money like a person who is healthy. If you wish to bring more joy into your life, become the experience of joy. Find joy in every experience. Do the things that bring you joy. Do the things that light you up if you wish to have more energy in your body. Become a person who makes choices that give you more energy. Eat to fuel your body. Rest when you need to rest. Have a clear boundary energetically in relationships so that your energy is not drained by people who you have toxic relationships with. Become that person if you are seeking more financial freedom, become the person whose financial resources are intentional. Know what is coming in and what is going out. And before every exchange of energy ordinances, ask yourself, where is this going? How is this serving me? Is this in alignment with the life I want to live? If you are seeking more connection to God or Grace or your own spirituality, your own purpose, become the person who practices instillness, reflection, connection. Engage in conscious conversations. If you wish to have more deep, intimate connections in your life, become the person that holds the space for deep connections. Become the person who is willing to be seen and vulnerable in the space of deep connection.
So whatever it is that you're seeking, if you're seeking freedom from the job that you're currently in to create your dream job, become the person who you want to be in your next job already. When you're in this job, you can start to show up in the way that you want to in your current position, your current relationship, you can start to show up in the way that you want to, that you see yourself in another relationship or in another job.You can start to become that person right now.
Now is the time to really step into that empowerment. It's the time to be in the being and the becoming. It's the time to embody the healing. It's the embodiment of being. It's the being, the experience. It's accessing the healer within us, the divine source of healing within us. And the becoming part is knowing when and where to get support that's in alignment with your current needs. But you have to know what they are first. It is one of the deeper layers of healing that is being called upon us. If you know how to eat healthy and you're eating fairly healthy, if you have emotional empowerment around your healthy lifestyle habits and you have a good fitness routine and you feel generally pretty good, you have good relationships, but there's still something missing. That deeper layer that is calling you in is that connection to your source and your purpose connection to God and Grace. And that is found through stillness. It's found through reflection. It's found through gratitude. It's in that stillness that we access our truth, the present moment, unconditional love.
Consider what it is that empowers you, helps you to stand in your own power, that feels really good and then when you think about becoming the experience that you wish to seek, how can you embody the empowered version of that?
Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?
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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.