Superfoods: A Superconductor to the Divine

Superfoods are a superconductor to the divine and our spiritual growth, our intuition, our energy field, the reality that we live in, and more. So, it's really a gateway to inviting you to live in alignment with more vitality, thriving, more abundance, being open to receiving, and just a more expansive life experience. 

How our energetic body affects our ability to nourish and to assimilate the nutrients that we consume through food. So I'm going to just give you some information that I hope that can be helpful for you as you are diving into your relationship with food and nourishment and nutrition and your energy body and energy management and everything that goes together in our wholeness. So, I'm going to start with a disclaimer that I'm not a dietitian or a nutritionist. I am a certified holistic health coach and I've been trained in functional medicine and also Detoxification. And I'm intuitive, I'm an energy worker.

I'm really just bringing this information to you from the perspective of how the food that we eat affects our energetic signature, our imprinting, our patterns, and how it raises our vibration and helps us to open up more to our intuition and really actually living in that higher vibration and opening up the upper chakras. So I have talked before about the energy of food, and if everything is energy, then food has energy as well. In a nutshell, what I want to invite you to consider is one of the things that create a visual, like if you think of the frequency of food on a scale, generally the things that grow higher, like fruits tend to have a little bit more of a higher vibration. And vegetables, of course, and then when you get down into root vegetables, they're very grounding. If you have processed foods that's basically negative, zero nutritional value, very low frequency, and of course, dead animal protein is also a low frequency of food. I get that we all need healthy fats and proteins and complex carbohydrates to nourish our physical bodies. I'm talking today more about the energy of the food that we consume and how that is really very visual in our energetic pattern and how it opens us up to more vitality and sustainability in not only our physical body, but our energy body as well. 

I want to invite you just to consider for a moment when you look at what you eat throughout the day, are you eating to thrive, to really thrive like a plant that's growing in the ground or are you eating to survive? And what does that look like for you? What does that feel like when you're eating to survive? Like, how do you eat differently than when you're really thriving and you're feeling vitality and you're energized and you're nourished and you're well hydrated and you're consuming a lot of organic plant foods? Like a plant that thrives and grows from the ground versus eating for survival, where we're probably burning a lot of energy and we need to consume more. Right?

The two energies of consuming and creation. So consuming would be more of a survival type energetic pattern, whereas creation is more in, thriving. It's not to say that one is better than the other or right or wrong, but it's really just to help you increase awareness of your eating patterns and just noticing, how am I choosing to eat based on how I feel? Like if we're overwhelmed and stressed out and super busy all the time, we're probably in survival, we probably need a lot, a lot more protein and a lot more healthy fats. We need to consume more, we need to eat more. If we're really living in a place of flow and nourishment and hydration and thriving, then we probably might not need to eat or consume as much or the same types of food. So also just noticing where you are in your life and your lifestyle and what you need to fit where you are.

I love superfoods. If you don't know what a superfood is, if this is kind of a new concept to you, superfoods are foods that have a higher vibration. They help to improve your health. They can reduce all of the symptoms that you might be feeling in your body that are making you uncomfortable. They reduce inflammation, they can reduce cravings, and bloating, they can help you sleep better. Reducing foods that cause inflammation in your diet and eating more plant based organic foods is going to help you detox physically. Then superfoods are a food that we can bring into your diet to really help give us that extra boost. I want to just share with you some superfoods and how they help us to deepen your connection with our intuition and why superfoods are important and invite you to understand that the food that we eat doesn't just serve our physical body, but because we are energy beings. Because food is energy, it actually affects our energy fields and affects our vitality and our intuition and our empathy and our connection to everything around us. So a couple of foods that I really, really love and some superfoods that you've probably heard of before. 


Maca is one that helps to reduce stress. It also helps to stimulate the pituitary gland which helps to open up our intuition. It's an adaptogen and it can also help with hormonal balance in the body. This can be found in a powder form that you just put in your smoothie or maybe your morning coffee or something like that.


Kamu, which again usually comes in a powder form. These are things you can just find. They might be added into some type of protein powder. You can mix them in your smoothie, but it is very high in vitamin C.

Goji Berries

Goji berries are another great superfood at our house that we love to put on solubles. If you can find them fresh, that's amazing. They're often a lot easier to find dried. Just another superfood that helps to increase and improve immune function.


Acai is another superfood, same thing. Both very high in vitamin C.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is very hydrating.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, you can get the MCT, the XCT or the coconut oil is known to reduce bacteria, it's known to boost the immune system.


Cacao is chocolate in its purest form without the sugar. The sugar of course, added to any chocolate will lower the vibration of the properties within the cacao that are really good for us.

Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens, because of their ability to support the liver, to help the body to detox, are also really beneficial for increasing our vital organ efficiency and how it affects the metabolism.For example, the liver. How the liver is really our mother organ for detoxification and cleansing, which of course the beets support this and also for immunity support. So I really love dark leafy greens.


Quinoa is, some people call it a green, some people call it a seed. It's really high in protein, really easy to digest, especially for those on a no or low animal protein diet. We're always looking for ways to get more protein into our diet. 

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds of course, are a wonderful way to get more protein into our diet. A couple of my favorite nuts, cashews because they have tryptophan. Brazil nicks because they have selenium. All things that help us to relax a little bit more, which is always nice, especially if you're a really high energy person. 


Of course, avocados would be at the top of my list for healthy fats, easy to digest, and really just understanding that when we eat, we need a combination of all of these and really finding foods that not only provide healthy fats but are easier to digest so that your body can fully assimilate and process the nutrients that we're receiving so that we can really create vitality and balance in our body, but also inviting in foods that reduce inflammation, such as onions and garlic and turmeric and cinnamon and some spices and foods that help to decrease inflammation. 

Removing the foods from our diets that are known to cause inflammation. For many of us, those types of foods would be gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs, even nuts, because nuts have an enzyme inhibitor in the shell that can make them hard to digest. Almonds, for example, can be hard to digest because they have a protective coating or shell that makes them harder to digest. And anything that we don't digest, of course, becomes inflammatory in the body because the body then has to find something to do with it. So allowing yourself to find the balance between eating healthy foods that serve you that are also easily digestible.

So for easier digestion, this can look like sprouted nuts or raw or soaked that can make them easier to digest. Oftentimes when foods are creating inflammation in the body, such as gluten or dairy, it's usually the protein within the gluten or the diary that we might become sensitive to. So you're probably familiar with gluten, which is the protein in wheat and casein is the protein in dairy. And how this shows up is it shows up differently for all of us.

The importance of intuitive nourishment is really allowing yourself to connect with your body and what your body needs and understanding that those needs will change. They will change with your age, they will change with your lifestyle, they will change with your immune system, with your stress levels. The way that it can show up, if we're not totally in alignment with eating intuitively in what is aligned with our body's we can have a lot of mucus. We can have allergies, we can have heartburn. Maybe we don't sleep well. Maybe we have skin rashes. Maybe we have acne. Maybe we get sick all the time. Maybe we're just really mucusy. Maybe we have bloated stomachs, maybe we have arthritis and discomfort in the physical body. Maybe we have really low energy. Maybe we have mood swings. Maybe you notice that after you eat a sandwich for lunch, you're ready to take a nap. Maybe it has something to do with the combination of what you're eating. So sometimes it's not just the bread or the gluten alone, but when you put the bread or the gluten in the bread with the cheese, like it's a double whammy and you get super tired. Or maybe the chocolate with the peanut butter affects you more than the chocolate by itself or the peanut butter by itself. 

So really understanding food at a deeper level and allowing yourself to explore your relationship with your own body wisdom, your own intuition, your lifestyle, your relationship with food. Like, what are the emotions, the energy, the patterns that show up when you're eating a certain way and allowing yourself, giving yourself permission to explore foods that can really, really help deepen your intuition and help raise your vibration. Because when we eat superfoods, that is what's really happening. Because the cells have their own intelligence. So the cells are either absorbing the nutrients and the energy from foods or they're not. There's not a whole lot of nutrition coming from processed foods. So getting super clear on allowing your body to receive nutrition on a cellular level.

Another way that I love to do this is through juicing. So although I personally am not a big fan of fasting for doing a juice fast, I love to use juicing medicinally. And the reason I love juicing so much is because it's a source of live, active enzymes. If you have a juicer that is essential for catalyzing that metabolic reaction in your body.So once you cook vegetables,you're destroying those live enzymes. It also helps the body to detox on a cellular level, because we're consuming them in their raw living form, very easily digestible. When it's fresh pressed juice, it doesn't have the fiber in it, so it's able to be easily absorbed and utilized in the body. So really, just understanding also that the way that we prepare our food helps, how we're absorbing the nutrients of the food and allowing yourself to just explore some of some superfoods and notice how you feel when you use them.

There are a ton of mushroom powders out there. I really love mushrooms. They're another fantastic food, a very source of intelligent food that we can get very easily through either raw mushrooms or even through powders. Adding a scoop of chaga or mitake or lion's mane or cordyceps mushroom powder or all of the above to your coffee can give it that grounding sense, because a very intelligent food source, but also energetically as coffee, can be known to increase the heart rate and kind of elevate our mood. With caffeine, the mushroom powder can help to ground it like you've heard of people adding MCT oil and XCT oil to really balance the metabolizing of the caffeine in the body. Those things can help. I just wanted to provide you some information today to invite you to be curious about maybe some superfoods that you want to add in. 

Of course, any of the marine foods that are out there can also help. Any types of seaweeds or chlorella. Also very wonderful to add into your diet. And maybe you just explore a little bit, maybe you try one and you use up the bag of kamukamu powder in your smoothies for this month and you try something new next month and start to just notice, how do I feel differently? Am I noticing anything differently in my energy levels? And allowing yourself to just really dive into the possibility that you may be eating healthy already.

If you just add in a couple of superfoods it's going to raise your vibration energetically. Because the superfoods have a higher frequency, it's going to raise your vibration. When it raises your vibration, you are more connected to your intuition. You are living in that energy, that higher frequency of health, love, abundance, right? 

All of these things have a frequency. Peace, freedom, on a frequency scale of emotions, you start to increase your frequency. To match more positive emotions is another benefit that can happen when we're eating really dead food that doesn't nourish us. It can lower our mood into those lower frequency emotions such as fear, scarcity, and other negative emotions that can show up.

So really inviting you to consider that eating well is not just about the physical body that it supports your energetic body, your emotional well being, your mental well being, your relationships. Because if you feel really good, then you're thriving. You're feeling your life in vitality and abundance, in trust, in love, and there's not scarcity or starvation or overeating, because everything is in a healthier relationship and balance of flow. I'd love to hear what you think about this.

If you have superfoods that support you that you've really had a great experience with, please let me know. I love to hear what works for people. I'd love to share it with people. And if you have resources or a book, there are a ton of really great books out there around Intuitive Nourishment. If you're looking for a program to support you in Intuitive Nourishment, we have that on our website. You can check out the intuitive nourishment.



Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

The Balance of Flow and Cyclical Planning


Where you are is the vehicle for the next thing