What is Your Extraordinary

What is your extraordinary? 

When people ask me what I do, I am a life purpose coach and energy intuitive. A mentor for coaches, healers and conscious feminine leaders. I'm also the CEO and founder of the Embodied Soul Coaching Academy where we learn and understand the principles of life coaching energy work, the energy body intuition, somatic practices, body wisdom. And this is also the invitation to do some inner work where the inner work creates the outer results. We go deep into a personal and professional transformation for sustainable results from passion and purpose to full blown prosperity through the business alchemy course. And so I get to see, alongside with my support coaches, the extraordinary in the individuals in this program being revealed. But here's the thing. It's always there. It's just the willingness to look at it as the extraordinary part of you. 

So what does this even mean? What does it even mean to wonder what your extraordinary is? I am going to share with you how we can navigate revealing the extraordinary within each of us. What it looks like, what it means for us, how we get to live, how people doing extraordinary things are living their life, and ways that we can just live simply, day by day, and see the miracles in life. 

Albert Einstein said, there are two ways to live your life. To look as if everything is a miracle, or to look as if nothing's a miracle. So the good news is we get to choose. And let's start out by just sitting with curiosity in what it would mean for you, to live an extraordinary life. So I invite you to take a deep breath so if living an extraordinary life means living to your potential, living life on your terms, living in what is in alignment with you, what matters most, and having the confidence and the courage to do it, and choosing every day to look as if everything is there for you and everything is a miracle. That's my definition. I don't know what the dictionary definition is. My definition is that the person who fully and wholly shows up, embodies their truth, believes in their limitless potential, lives on their terms, in their values, in their God given birthright and mission, has the confidence to turn those beliefs into action and show up every day. 

What would that look like for you? How would you feel if you chose that? What are the ways that you can choose to see your life today for what is extraordinary for you, how can you reveal your extraordinary? What does that look like? 

Here's one way to start. Start being curious about how you're showing up in the world? There's the way that we think we're showing up, and then there's the way that we are received. Have you ever maybe been on video doing something and you felt really good doing it? And then when you watch the video, you're like, oh, I felt much better than I actually look like. You know how we judge ourselves? We do this. So what if we just gave ourselves permission to just be like we were when we were younger in that space of, like, everything is a miracle, and we have so much to be grateful for. So the ways that we can see the extraordinary in our daily life is by looking around at what we are grateful for, what we already have, what we already are. 

Stop the comparison. Comparison is the thief of joy. Letting go of expectations and attachments, creating sacred space in your home, in relationships, in your calendar, energy alignment and energy management. That's really where we start to create the foundation, creating the sacred space, to even identify what matters most to us. If revealing our extraordinary is all about connecting to our core values and our mission statement, which I like to call our soul devotion statement, what we're here to experience in this life, I don't like to say do, because it's really more about the experience. We do that by slowing down. Journaling is a great invitation for this. 

Connecting with others and allowing yourself to notice the reflection, the soul seeing reflection that others reflect back to you. If everything is a relationship and then true, extraordinary revealing that is then choosing from that place aligned action. So a really nice way that we do this is we start by asking five of our closest friends five words to describe our best qualities, characteristics and strengths. So I invite you to do this. Start noticing what your natural physical and spiritual gifts and talents are. And do this by asking the people that support you, asking people in your space, what do you think of me? What quality of mind comes first, what stands out to you about me? And then asking these loved ones that you are entrusting in this also inviting them to notice what limiting beliefs or habits or attitudes or feelings that you express that might be holding you back. And a third question would be noticing what would I be able to accomplish if I stopped doing these things? And so, being curious about how you were received or perceived by the people that you love. Because a lot of times, the way that we think we show up isn't always the way that we are being received. So that's one tool that's super helpful. And then taking this list and reflecting on these words and just noticing which ones are common between the five people. And it's nice to choose a person from different areas of your life, maybe college or childhood or work or family, and just kind of notice how maybe you show up differently in the different areas of your life, or maybe you don't. Maybe you show up the same all the time, but noticing how you're being received. 

Then, I invite you to take a moment and reflect on all the traits, the skills, the abilities that you have trained in or experienced in your life, because everything that you have done, experienced, it mattered. It matters. It's what brought you to this moment today. So being curious, like, what purpose did that experience serve? What did I learn from that? Maybe you're in a career transition. Maybe you've had a marriage transition, right? And just really getting clear on all of the experiences that have brought you here and reflecting back on all of the things throughout your life, starting from early childhood that you have done well or that you remember experiencing, every sports team you played on, every club you were in, every place you traveled, every relationship. Start noticing the skills and traits and abilities that you held throughout your life. Were you a captain? Were you a co captain? Were you a teammate? And just reflecting on the role that you played in different relationships in your family, on a team, at school, in a job, in a marriage, and remembering kind of, what are the things that people have always seen in you? What are the things that came naturally to you? 

And then make a list of all the professional things, the certifications, the training that you've done, because all those things matter, too. So all of it, everything you've done matters. So list all your certifications, list all your training, list all your experiences, list your college, your high school, your middle school, your jobs. What skills do you have? Computer skills, people skills, chef skills, athletic skills. And just take a really good inventory. This could be pages long of the qualities and traits and characteristics, the certifications, the trainings, the reflection of the words that people reflected back to you that they see in you, and write them on a piece of paper and ask yourself this question. To help you get clear on this question, if you could be anyone or anything in the world, what would it be? So, this is an invitation to write a journal. If I could be anyone or anything in the world, what would that be? How can I use my gifts and talents and my values to show up in the world? 

Explore your values, if you haven't already, if you don't know what those are, getting super clear on what your core values are so the things that really light you up in the world, that you stand for, that at the end of your life, you want people to remember you by. And then start integrating those. Your gifts, your talents, your characteristics, your traits, your values. How can you use those to show up in the world? What are you naturally good at? What brings you joy? What excites you? And just be curious, what would that look like? What do you stand for in the world? What is your personal mission? What are your values? What gifts can you bring into the world to the people entrusted to you in your life? What service to humanity are you committed to? And because you all know that I love to integrate the shadow work, meaning the subconscious imprinting that shows up. 

As we start to journal on this, we might notice resistance survivor strategies, limiting beliefs that show up. As we start to give ourselves permission to journal about what we want most, we might notice beliefs that come up. Am I worthy of this? Is this possible? I have to work hard to have this. And so if you haven't done any work around your own limiting beliefs, then I invite you to be curious about that. Notice where your limiting beliefs show up, and then start to ask yourself, if you know your self limiting belief. How will you know if you're contracting into that limiting belief or behavior pattern? And just kind of think for a moment, like, what did my friends reflect back to me, my colleagues, that they notice that they see in me. So how will you know, how will you catch yourself when you're contracting into that? 

Because when we really give ourselves permission to be extraordinary, the difference between the person who allows himself to live an extraordinary life and the person who doesn't is the person who has the confidence to do it. The person who's not afraid to fail, who's not afraid to take their thoughts, their dreams and put them into action. The person who takes self responsibility, radical self responsibility for how they show up. The person who is ready to support others and ready to receive. Ready to receive support and give support. A person who loves life, genuinely loves life. A person who is compassionate, the person who chooses trust, the person who believes in abundance or is curious about it. The person who feels connected, who realizes the expansiveness of this human experience. That is a person who is on their path to living in their own extraordinary gifts and remember, extraordinary is different for everyone, but each individual has this. What is unique to you? What are you good at? What do you enjoy? Do you enjoy money? Do you enjoy relationships? Do you enjoy food? Do you enjoy adventure? Do you enjoy connection? What is it that you enjoy? Think about what you enjoy as it relates to all of your past experiences and notice what comes up. Notice the survivor strategies that come up and just get clear on it. 

The difference is the person willing to look at these survivor strategies and still take aligned action, not stay in the story. And then ask yourself, what are you willing to release to move forward, to have the confidence I talked about earlier to live in what matters most to you, what are you willing to release? And this is the part that I invite you to maybe write a letter to yourself, what are you willing to release? Because we are so comfortable trapped in our story because it's safe, it feels good. It's comfortable in order to step out of that and really live in the extraordinarily uniqueness. Uniqueness to be the you that you can be, we have to be willing to release and let go of what isn't serving us. And that can be frightening sometimes. So the question becomes, when are you going to be willing to let go? What does it say about you if you let go? If you release this? What does it say about you if you don't? 

Because if you don't, you'll just be trapped where you are and then choosing to release that understanding and knowing that it may continue to show up, but you've at least thought about ahead of time. How will I navigate this when this shows up for me? The people I love have reflected back to me how I show up. Maybe you have an accountability partner. Maybe you know your own contractions, your own limiting behaviors. But how am I going to respond at that moment? Because it probably will come up again. It's a practice of peeling the layers and then moving into that aligned action. Of what gifts can I bring into the world?  

We've been talking about this idea of one of the quotes that somebody pointed out that I said that they really appreciated is oftentimes the thing that we didn't receive becomes the thing that we're seeking, which is the thing that we already are. So use the example of if you were a child who didn't get physical touch or love or affection from your mother, maybe you chose to become an overly affectionate mother. Sometimes that can happen too. Where you didn't get attention. So you became a mother who's overly giving attention or overly giving love, only to realize that you've always been the love that you didn't get and that you're seeking. The difference is the perception, the belief in the story, the perception created around the experience. These stories in our head are what keep us stuck suffering in lack and from living the extraordinary life that is meant for each of us, living life on our terms. I don't know what your definition of extraordinary is. I'd like to hear from you. 

I want to invite you to ask yourself, what is my definition of extraordinary? Because the extraordinary is just you being you on your terms, in your truth, not trying to be somebody else, not trying to live somebody else's mission statement, living your truth. But what I find is most of us haven't given ourselves permission to slow down, to actually identify what that is. So getting clear on what is your self devotion, your soul devotion statement, what do you stand for in the world and what is your intention moving forward? What is one small action step you can take in this moment towards that intention? What is one small action you can take? And then asking yourself what action, if taken today and completed to the best of my ability, will allow me to feel gratitude for this experience. Just a tiny step. So I'd love to hear from you because everybody's different. It's part of what I love to do, and what I love to do in life coaching is witnessing all of these beautiful people coming forward and just sharing their experiences and watching it unfold into their gift. All of the experiences, the challenging ones, the easy ones, the things that you enjoy and just allowing your gifts and talents to be revealed, to step into your extraordinary. 

Take some time to journal around the questions that I asked today. Give yourself permission to feel into what makes you unique, what do you love to do? Everybody's different. And giving yourself permission to intimately see into your soul, your mission, and then allow yourself to be seen and witnessed by others in that it doesn't mean you have to change your job. It doesn't mean you have to change anything in your life except the way that you're looking at life. Remember to come full circle. I started out by saying Albert Einstein quoted there are two ways to experience life. One is by looking as if nothing were a miracle and the other one is by seeing that everything is a miracle. And that's just true. With everything, there's two ways to look at everything, and it's all actually the same thing. So the difference is, how will you choose? 



Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.


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