What Your Imbalanced Chakras are Telling You

We're going to dive into the topic around the energy body, to dive deep into the understanding of the human experience and our physical, emotional and mental well being. How we hold experiences on a cellular level that our conscious mind is not even aware of. The emotional imprinting, the genetic, the ancestral imprinting within the energy and astral bodies and emotional and physical and mental bodies as it relates to our physical body. 

How do I know if my chakras are blocked? So we're going to talk a little bit about some of the needs, the underlying emotions and needs that can come up around understanding the energy body as it relates to the chakras, the seven energy centers within the body.

What is the energy body and how does it relate to the chakras within the physical body, which are the energy centers in the physical body? Understanding that we have energy fields that extend beyond our physical body and that there are six chakras that extend beyond the physical body and the seven centers within the body, today we're going to talk about the seven that are within the body.

We start with the root chakra, which is at the base of the spine, often identified with the color well, it is identified with the color red. We know that this is the chakra of safety, security, our worth, our very primal, our rooted, grounded knowing of being here.

Then we move up into the sacral chakra, the color orange. This is the womb, the place of creativity, the place of joy, pleasure receiving and abundance.

Then from there we go up into the solar plexus, which is the area of all of our vital organs sort of mid to upper back region. The area of vitality, strong will and confidence too. 

We move up to the fourth chakra, which is the heart, the color green, which is our connection and emotional well being in the heart chakra.

From there, we move into the throat, which is a blue color. The throat is our place of self expression, speaking our truth.

Then we move into the space between the eyebrows, also known as the third eye, the color indigo, a deeper dark blue color. This is our intuition, our insight, our clarity.

From there, chakra number seven, our crown chakra, a magenta purple color, which is our connection to source, which is where we go from there, then beyond that extends into our energy field from the crown chakra and beyond.

One of the ways that you can identify whether one of your chakras are blocked is just simply by feeling that part of your body. What movement, what yoga poses, what movement, what foods, maybe essential oils, maybe sounds, vibrations all resonate with these particular chakras that can help to open them up.So, if you're feeling discomfort, resistance or tightness in any of these areas in the body, there might be an opportunity to explore a blockage in this chakra.

On the other side of that, we can experience an imbalance in the chakra where maybe it's not blocked, but maybe it's too open and being exhausted. This is an opportunity when you have the question, how do I know if my chakras are blocked? Really just tuning into through somatic inquiry, somatic breathwork, tuning into the body and asking yourself, where am I feeling? What am I feeling in my body? Where am I noticing something? Allowing that from that place, that body area, that energy center to speak to you. 

One of the reasons when you have a hard time going into your body or you don't know what you mean when you say to go into the body is because we have become disconnected from your body, from your physical body. Maybe we didn't feel safe in it. Maybe we don't love our body. Maybe we don't feel lovable, worthy or good enough or safe in our body. Maybe we had a health crisis and we don't trust our physical body. Maybe there was a relationship where we felt unsafe in that relationship in our body. Maybe we've judged or criticized our physical body. All of these beliefs have somehow possibly created an unhealthy relationship with our body.

One of the ways that we cope with this is to become disconnected from our body because either we have judgment or shame or distrust with our physical body. So if you are a person who struggles to connect with your physical body, this is an invitation to find some support in doing some somatic work and going into your body to discover what the emotion is, what the need is underneath for your body. And also the invitation to participate in something that makes you feel good in your body. So movement or dance or sound healing or being in nature, or eating delicious healthy food, it's more about the intention of being present with the sensations in your experience while allowing yourself to experience them within your body.

If you are a person who struggles to be in your body, then the invitation is to find a way to enjoy being in your body. Maybe it's physical contact or touch, some type of sensory experience in your body. Sometimes the blockage, we can feel the sensation in physical form, but the physical manifestations are related to some emotional energy which is often related to a deeper need underneath.

So if we're talking about the root chakra, the one of safety, the one of primal being, our rooted essence to being here, oftentimes we feel out of balance when we have the need to feel safe. So what we need is nurturing.So whether that nurturing source is from food or connection, it's the way that we nourish and nurture ourselves so that we feel safe and held in our primal essence, our being. This root chakra is what connects us to all other life forms, that connects us to Mother Earth, to our connection to our mother in the womb. This is our primal essence of being and in order to sustain life and lifeforce energy, what we need is nurturing. So if you feel out of balance in the root chakra, if you're feeling ungrounded or disconnected or on the other side, if you're feeling very overly, it can show up sort of like aggression, like very just firm in your stance and not willing to move. Oftentimes that can be a survivor strategy. Again with the need to just allow nurturing.

Then we move up into the sacral chakra, the color orange. I've really been seeing a lot of healing and transmutation of energy in this particular chakra as it relates to the throat chakra.This is really the energy of creative creativity. This is where this is also the portal, the divine portal between worlds for women. As we bring life into this dimension, it comes in through the womb. So we all hold this energy of creation, whether male or female, within this chakra. It's also an invitation to receive, receive life force energy, which then in turn leads to abundance and joy. So there is a very healing and nurturing energy with the sacral chakra as well. When we're feeling out of balance, we might be feeling some tightness in our hips, we might be feeling some resistance, we might feel stuck. Some of you who have done body work may know that we hold a lot of our emotions in our hips as well. What we need if we're feeling stuck in the sacral chakra is connection, whether it's connection to another being for the purpose of creation, whether it's connection to source, connection to joy or abundance. But connection is the life force energy that brings forth creation. So either connection to your internal source of creativity, the divine source of energy flowing within you, or connection to others through intimate, deep relationships, through sharing. What we need if we're feeling blocked in this area's connection, because the connection gives us, again, the safety to have that deeper experience, to welcome that abundance, to welcome that balance of giving and receiving, which is all in the sacral chakra.

So moving up into the solar plexus, the third chakra, which is our area of confidence and strength and will and standing in our own power, the color yellow, it's also the chakra of vitality. What we can feel if we're blocked is just that tight stomach. Or maybe we feel like we got kicked in the stomach, or maybe we feel tightness in the mid back, maybe we feel exhausted in our adrenals. So this can show up as two different ways, like sort of this grit to stand where you are and resist or the imbalance to that would be the over giving, which can often be stem from a lack of worthiness or confidence that we tend to overgive or fix others because we don't believe in our own worthiness. This is a really big one that happens when there's an imbalance in the solar plexus chakra. Oftentimes what we need if we're feeling an imbalance in this chakra is peace, just allowing and flowing. What's the opposite of like, confidence and strong will is peace and allowing inner peace. The invitation to go a little deeper on this is that there may be a need for forgiveness either of self or of someone else. So if you're feeling tightness and think of all the vital organs that are held in this area, like the gallbladder and the liver and the pancreas and all of the vital organs in this solar plexus shopper, you can think of the emotions associated with the gallbladder and resentment in the liver and anger and just noticing what you might feel emotionally in that area and asking yourself, what is the need underneath that? Because this area has so much vitality and so much fire, what it really needs is water. And what is water? It's flow and inner peace. It's the allowing. This is the invitation is to allow this area to soften, to welcome in inner peace, to let go of the need to be right, to let go of the need to be heard, to let go of the anger or resentment or to stand in your power to ask for what you need and allow peace in that process.

Moving up into the Heart chakra, the color green, this is where we give and receive love through our emotional awareness, our heart intuition, what connects us to everyone and everything around us. When we feel blocked or imbalanced, we might be or feel or show up as very guarded, it might be difficult for us to allow others to see us, to love us. We might feel, we might desire to feel more light hearted. We might feel really heavy if we're caring a lot in our heart, if we're taking on too much, if we're over giving. The invitation for the balance of giving and receiving. What we really need is not just love, but unconditional love, love without condition. So this is where we allow ourselves to see the conscious and the unconscious, the subconscious, the shadow and the gift. This is really about fully embracing and embodying the wholeness of who you are, all of your shadows and gifts, your survivor strategies and your healthy strategies, and allowing and welcoming that unconditional love and compassion. Compassion for all of the experiences that allow you to just be who you are without judgment.

Moving up into the throat chakra, this is the color blue where we experience self expression, speaking our truth. There's a really big movement around this chakra as it relates to the sacral chakra right now. It's like what are your beliefs and what are your values? How are you balanced in the giving and receiving of life and how are you showing up in that? How are you expressing that? This also relates to the physical body and just an understanding that not every time, but the curiosity and the possibility that even with what I have noticed in particular females, is many women struggling with thyroid condition. Thinking of the energy of a hyperactive thyroid is like the energy of an over aggressive use of the voice, maybe through anger or in an unhealthy way, or the voice out of alignment and then the hypothyroid energetically, just maybe not allowing yourself to speak your truth. There are physiological and chemical components to thyroid disease. The energy of how we use the energy of our voice as it relates to the Throat chakra. What the throat chakra needs is acceptance. Acceptance of the truth, permission to speak the truth through acceptance. So acceptance of your own beliefs, acceptance of your experiences, acceptance of how you choose to use your voice or not use your voice to show up. It could be through writing. It could be through singing. It could be through speaking. It could be through having a conversation with a person who hurt you. It could be through words of affirmation or praise with somebody you love. But coming into pure acceptance. The energy of acceptance is the energy that allows the throat to be used for self expression. Because it's very vulnerable, it can feel very vulnerable. To allow that energy to come up through the chakras, through the body, to come out. The throat is like an outlet. It's the gate to what you're experiencing and the outside world which can feel very vulnerable.

Moving up into the third eye, the color indigo. This is our connection to intuition and clarity and truth. Oftentimes this feels blocked. If we're experiencing headaches, we might be out of alignment with our intuition. We might be choosing an experience from our heart, our desires, or from our beliefs rather than our intuition. If you experience headaches energetically, so what this energy center is calling in and what it needs is trust. The energy of trust. Trusting your intuition, trusting your insights, trusting your curiosity. It's very different from mental chatter. It's very spacious. There's a sacred space here of allowing, observing, witnessing without attachment, allowing the vision or the clarity, the message to come through you from a place of alignment. Not a place of doing, but a place of being. That place of stillness that creates that trust, that trust in divine timing, that trust in your connection, your connection to source, to wisdom, to grace, for that truth to come through. We all have access to this. We all have access to this intuition, this clear sight of truth.

Then we move up into the 7th chakra, the Crown chakra. This is our connection to the source. This is where we start. This is the point from the physical body and beyond. If we're feeling blocked in this way, we're feeling stuck. We're feeling separate, we're feeling alone. We might be feeling some anxiety or fear, abandonment. Abandonment from God consciousness, the invitation. What we need is the acceptance of unity to realize that we were never separate from Source to begin with. It's coming back home to the realization that we were created from the very source that this chakra is connected to. Only our thoughts and beliefs are experiences, perhaps traumatic experiences that gave us the feeling of being separate or abandoned from grace are really just the bigger reflection that the abandonment or the separation was really of self. The perception that we are separates the fall from grace. We've never been disconnected, we only perceived that we were. We've never been abandoned, we only believed that we were. But it was in those times that we were probably held the most. So it's an invitation to trust in unity, to trust in something greater than just your own personal experience, to trust in the larger integrated network of source energy, divine light of God consciousness that connects all of us together. We realize that all of our experiences are beyond just our personal emotions and needs and we become less attached to the emotions, the thoughts, the beliefs in the physical body and we come into unity and wholeness and then we extend from there beyond the energy body chakras. But for today, we're going to just talk about those seven chakras within the physical body. 



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Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Daily Devotion Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.


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