Ep 138 Healing Breast Implant Illness with Amanda Porta
In this episode, Jen interviews Amanda Porta. Holistic beauty coach, Amanda Porta blends her love of aesthetics and natural health to help her clients achieve optimal results. She has worked in all areas of the beauty industry for 18 years and has trained under some of the best practitioners in the country. Early on, in order to get the best results for herself and others, Amanda realized the importance of incorporating holistic health into all of her treatment plans.
Her love of innovation inspired her to introduce the concept of wellness to the plastic surgery industry in 2012. She created a non-toxic skincare line and strategized business relationships with wellness and beauty brands for a prominent Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. She is passionate about educating and inspiring people to become their personal best.
Ms. Porta has found a niche as a patient advocate for women going through Breast Implant Illness. Having gone through the illness herself, she has explanted, detoxed, healed, and can guide women through their own explant journeys. She has advised thousands of women around the world from celebrities to athletes to prominent businesswomen that have trusted her expertise to support them through this health crisis. Amanda has received her certification as a wellness coach through Trinity School of Wellness. Amanda has appeared on KIRO TV, KTLA Channel 5 and the podcast What Say You with Gavin McCleod- Valentine, Awesome In and Out with Sarah Anne Stewart, Be Real Babe Podcast, Be You Podcast with Jill Herman.
Key Notes:
What is breast implant illness
Amanda’s big why and her mission
What Amanda is most passionate about and how that journey began
Show Notes:
(00:30) Jen introduces this week’s guest on the show
(08:00) Amanda shares what she’s most passionate about her life
(09:15) What was Amanda like before things begin to shift?
(14:10) Amanda deep dives into how and why something needed to change
(27:40) How with Amanda’s mom, they rarely take antibiotics
(30:35) Amanda shares her experience when she realized she had breast implant illness and how her awakening took 7 years
(50:27) Amanda shares what she would say to the woman who needs to hear what she has to say about Breast Implant Illness right now
(08:22) I’m here for something really important when I grow up.
(11:46) The lack of a father in my life created a lot of pain for me
(53:26) I believe chronic illness is an opportunity for us to heal
Connect with Amanda:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theholisticbeautycoach/
Website: https://www.kevinbrennermd.com
Website: https://www.jenmons.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenMonsCoaching
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jen.mons/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXFG_uyCRg9nxM43jS9mvUg
Prosperity: https://www.jenmons.com/prosperity
This podcast is to educate, inside, and inform the listeners of various pathways to wholistic well being. This information is not to replace the advise of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.