Energy Mastery through Expansion and Contraction

Today, we dive a little bit deeper into energy mastery, which comes when we learn how to live in our natural state of energy flow. So I want to ask you for a moment how you feel about your relationship with energy. What does it mean to you? How does it show up in your life? One of the things that I often hear when I'm coaching other women are the words, I don't have the energy to do the things I want to do. I'm overwhelmed. I'm exhausted, I'm too busy. And when I hear those words, I often associate them with being misaligned. So our energy is out of alignment, when we become overwhelmed, exhausted, or we're too busy. 

So we're going to talk today about what energy alignment looks like and how to live in the flow of your natural state of energy. This is where energy mastery comes from. So as we begin to dive into this topic of energy mastery and what it's like to live in the flow of our energy, I want to define what flow means and how we know when we're in the flow. 

We know that we are in the flow of life, when things seem effortless, when we feel relaxed into our truth, when we have an inner knowing around the choices that we make, we are able to more easily let go of our fears and our doubts and our self limiting beliefs, which often create energetic blocks and keep us from living in the flow. So flow is like the present moment. It's the moment of truth, stillness, reflection, and space. And in that moment, in the present moment, we're not thinking about what might happen in the future, and we're not thinking about our decisions or our actions based on what has happened in the past. We are in a place of trust and surrender and inner knowing. Flow often shows up when we feel joy, contentment, fulfilled, and we understand and know our purpose. We take inspired action steps, or purposeful action steps that come from a place of our inner truth. 

When we are in the flow, we are able to recognize that sometimes our flow has expansions and contractions, just like the wavelength of an energetic frequency. When we can observe that we are in a state of flow, we fluctuate between expansions and contractions, and we understand that our state of flow changes based on where we are. And you can see this in the world around us in the cycles of nature, the seasons, the cycle of the moon, flowers that lose their petals in the winter and come back again in the spring, trees that drop acorns to become a new seedling and grow another tree. These are all examples of how mother nature shows us that we live in a natural state of expansion and contraction. The animals hibernate in colder weather. Expansions and contractions can show up in our lives as well. 

I want to give you some tips to help you recognize when you are in an expansion or contraction in your life and how you can celebrate it and welcome it, knowing that wherever you are, if you're in a contraction, which is oftentimes the perceived more difficult state to be in, that it will be followed by a contraction so energetically. So on an energetic level, when we feel contracted and tight and we have energy blocks in our body, throughout the seven chakras in our body, it's an opportunity for us to go inward, to do some self inner work. So if you're grieving, losing someone, a relationship, your health, your home. Major contraction. But actually opening up space for the next expansion of our energetic field, evolving into who we are. I ask you to evaluate: is there an area of your life right now where you feel contracted, where you feel small, where you feel stuck? Is it a major event? Maybe you had a recent miscommunication with a loved one. Maybe you were diagnosed with something from your family physician around your health and well being. Maybe you didn't get into that school or that college you wanted to get into. Maybe you didn't land that client or sell that house or get that raise at work that you were hoping for. And what I want to offer you is that maybe there's something better for you waiting on the other side of it. Or maybe it's an invitation to lean into the discomfort of the expansion and do some inner work to guarantee the expansion and personal growth on the other side. So I say this just to encourage you to live in the expansion and contraction of your life. Some of us like to run away from the contractions. We don't like to be uncomfortable and leaning into the discomfort is actually where we can just be completely blown away by what's available on the other side. Every time I'm uncomfortable and I lean into it and I go inward and I really do the self work. What is this here to show me? Is it the right time? What is this here to teach me? I expand and open new opportunities. 

So energy mastery is about living in the flow of expansion and contraction. So one of the things that I hear often as a coach is that many of the people that I work with or before they come to work with me, is that they feel overwhelmed or exhausted, or they're too busy to do what they know they want to do. They're too busy to change their eating habits, go to the gym, take care of their health before the health crisis. They're too busy or overwhelmed, or they don't have the energy to do the work, to stay in a marriage, create a new program that will welcome in new clients, or to make that change from the job that you're in now to your dream job. And my response to that, as I hear that, is that it's just you're misaligned. And when I say misaligned, I mean it just means that you're out of alignment with what matters to you. Energy management is about choosing or making choices based on what you value, what's important to you, what gives you energy, what takes energy from you. I go through a process and I ask myself these questions: Is this in alignment with what matters most to me, my core values? If it is, is it the right time? This is the big one for me. I'm pretty clear about what is important to me. I say no way more than I say yes. No is an empowering word. It creates healthy boundaries, and it keeps us in alignment with what matters most to us and our own energetic field, our energy signature, the vibration that we are meant to live in. So, is this in alignment with what matters most? Is this in alignment with my truth? Is it the right time, and do I have to be the one to do this, or can I seek support? If I can answer yes to all of those questions, then I know that it's a yes. If any of these questions become a no, then I know it's not in alignment at this time. And what happens is, when we make decisions to do things that are out of alignment, it pulls us out of our natural state of energy being and vibration. It's like an interference or a disturbance that weakens our highest vibrational frequency. 

I'm here to tell you that the only thing that we are here to do is to really embrace who we are. The energy signature that we were born into. We do this by creating this sacred space in our lives to reconnect with what that most of us have forgotten. We are too busy doing the things that we think we're supposed to do. And as I love to say, just because you can do it and because you can do it well, doesn't mean you should ask yourself, is this in alignment with where I am right now? Is it the right time? Does it have to be me? 

I would invite you to take a step back and be super clear about your words, because there is nothing that you have to do, need to do, or should do. Everything is a choice. And the empowerment comes from choosing with intention which activities you will participate in that are in alignment with what you value most. Because usually what happens when we're out of alignment is we experience resistance. 

When we're in the flow, we're in a balance of giving and receiving, the natural flux of energy. When we're in alignment with our truth, with who we are, we don't have to worry so much about that. When we are in alignment vibrationally, we attract the people that we are meant to work with. Living in the flow is knowing and trusting that when you're in alignment, everything will be taken care of. So living in the flow requires some self responsibility. There are steps that we can take to make sure that we stay in the flow. This includes clearing energy blocks. If you're in a space of wanting to create a business right now, as I have created my own, but you're not willing to do the deep inner work to clear those energy blocks, you're not going to be in alignment to welcome in what you want. You might not even know what it is because you're not in your natural state of alignment in the first place. You have to clear the energy blocks if you want to call in a relationship, a partner, and you're wondering why it's not happening. First, we have to clear out old energy patterns. Do the healing, clear the self limiting beliefs, the fears, and the blocks that show up. Clear toxicity out of the body through self care and nourishment of healthy foods. And as we clear those out, as we do, an energy cleanse. One of the things I do, the energy attunement session, is an intuitive reading on where your energy blocks are. I do this through chakra readings, through vibration, and then we get clear on the patterns that show up, removing and cleansing those energy patterns so that we can create a new pattern that's empowered, that we choose. 

And we're also very mindful of the words that we use. We are choosing our experience, so we clear the energy blocks, and then we harness that energy and we choose differently. We shift the perception we welcome in what we want in our life. We become the vibrational match for what we want in our life. We become the experience. Become the experience you seek. Become the person who has healthy habits, if you want health. Become a person who is affectionate, if you want more love. Become the person who is patient, if you want more understanding and communication. Become the person who can receive, if you want more abundance. That was one of the final things I had to learn before fully stepping into this, is that abundance many people think of as financial abundance is about receiving. Receiving health, joy, love, money, energy, all of it. So we clean the energy blocks, we clear them out, and then we welcome our ability to receive. And if you're somebody who has a hard time receiving, well, then let's go back to the energy block created there, either in your heart chakra, in your sacral chakra that is keeping you from receiving. So we clear the energy blocks, and then we live in alignment through energy management with our intentions. 

So energy management goes far beyond time management. We all have the same number of hours in a day, but we have variable amounts of energy based on the choices we make. One of the practices that has been helpful for me is in the morning. I think it's important to have a sacred ritual in the morning and at night, spending one, two, maybe up to 5 minutes in the morning. Not just in the space of stillness like meditation, but welcoming in the energy for your day, being intentional about what your day is going to look like. Who are the people you're going to see? What is your intention for the day? What are the things that will give you energy? What things take energy away from you? And if you're still participating in things when you leave this group of friends, or you leave this event, or you're working with that client and you feel drained, that is out of alignment. So it's an invitation to either one to do the inner work. Why? What is this showing me about me? Or two, recognize that it's out of alignment. And maybe that is what it's showing you about you. Sometimes we are able to see reflections of ourselves and other people. So it's an invitation to do some inner work. But if there are areas of your life where you feel drained and you feel resistance, I'm giving you permission to say no. If you find yourself saying, I'm too busy, I'm overwhelmed, I'm exhausted, and you want more energy in your lIfe. Energy is a frequency. Energy welcomes life. It is life force, energy. Energy is movement, it is food, it is love, it is money, it is health, it is your dreams, it's everything, and it's everywhere. And so I'm going to invite you to consider, how do you choose to use your energy? What would it feel like to be the master of your own energy? 

By clearing energy blocks, creating that sacred energy space, identifying your natural energy field where you vibrate and live in the highest frequency of your soul, yourself, your well being. You've probably had those moments where you feel so good, you're with a group of friends, you feel uplifted, you're eating a certain way, you're working out a certain way, you're moving a certain way, connecting within the energy of your own field. What would it feel like? What would it look like for you? What could you do? What dreams do you have that could come true? What changes could you make in your life if you had more energy? If you're curious about finding out more and learning the skills around your own energy mastery, I invite you to go to where we're going to cover these topics. We're going to cover your sacred energy field. Clearing your energy blocks, intuitive, balanced energy within your body. The balance of giving and receiving and then stepping into your energy signature, which is your, some people call it similar to higher self, your soul signature, your soul's calling your soul purpose, your joy, your happiness, all of the things that you seek, that you know you are worthy of, that you were born to be. Come into alignment with your natural state of being when you are in alignment with your energy flow. The balance of being and doing, expanding and contracting, giving and receiving, with a feeling of relaxing into the flow, welcoming in the truth, feeling confident about your ability to overcome and witness energy blocks, feeling confident about the choices you make and trusting your inner knowing. I'd love for you to join the challenge. 



Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

Knowing vs Believing and When to Take Action


The Energy Alignment Method: Body & Soul