The Energy Alignment Method: Body & Soul

I want to talk about Soul Wisdom imprinting, five element well-th and the path to prosperity today. Today I want to really tie those together so that I can help you create a picture. And I'm even going to create a diagram for you of what this means. 

I believe with all my heart in wisdom and knowing that we are here as humans to fully embody the highest expression of our soul. Some people might call that Christ consciousness, some people might call that higher self, the divine within you, your spiritual gifts and talents. I really truly believe that when we are born, we have an energetic frequency, the frequency of our imprint, our soul, our makeup, what makes us who we are all the way down to what we look like, the family that we are born into, what we are here to do, our gifts, our talents, all of it. And then life happens and in life we have hard stuff. Sometimes it's a traumatic event, sometimes we have a health crisis, family crisis, and we shift, we shift our beliefs out of fear, scarcity and other events that might create negative impacts in our life.

We come into this life with an energetic, frequently a soul blueprint. This is what soul retrieval does. This is what blueprint imprinting is. We hear of genetic and karmic imprinting of our soul. We have the different energy auric fields around us, from etheric to mental, physical, emotional. That's part of the chakra system. We have the seven chakras in the body, we have the six beyond us. We have different energy bodies around that at different states of consciousness, around our own physical being. When difficult things happen in life, what this does to our energy field is it creates holes or gaps where we then get to lean into those challenges, those uncomfortable situations close and heal those gaps so that we can then become whole again. You can see this through our energy field. 

When we get to understanding the chakras in the energy body, it's a part of reprogramming the subconscious through divine healing. It's taking it all the way down to a quantum physics level, to where we can see how the wounding and the traumatic events impact our energy field all the way down to our physical body having an impact on the different organs in our body that are related to different experiences in our life. How our body can hold those traumatic events, how we can feel tension in that same area of your body based on a traumatic event that maybe we had 20 years ago, ten years ago, three days ago. And our life is about realigning to that highest frequency of our soul in this human form. So if you think about resonating at a particular vibration, when you come into this life, if you believe that your soul is in agreement with our Creator to come into this life to evolve so that we can evolve as a collective, we can evolve the consciousness of the collective of human on this planet, so that we can raise the vibration.

Each individual on this planet has their own individual purpose. And your individual purpose, energetically, is to realign with that highest frequency of your soul that you agreed to come here to do. You get to choose what that looks like. You get to choose if overcoming those really challenging events is going to make you a victim or make you a victor. If you're going to rise through it like the phoenix or you're going to burn to the ground. And nobody gets through life without these things. 

If we are not living consciously, we will be invited to heal our relationship with our physical body. I like to call this body wisdom. Body wisdom is the embodiment of the wisdom of our connection to source. We all had this connection to Source, to God, to the Divine, and it's flowing through us every single day, it's all around us every single day. It's the whisper, the voice of the Holy Spirit. It's the energy that connects all of us to something greater. It's knowing that we are not just here in 3D form. But the physical body is what holds the imprint, the truth of who we are. It's intuition in physical form. 

We get to use our body as a tool. Our body is a tool, it's a receiver. It receives energetic information from God, from the universe, from plants, from animals, from the people in our lives. We are always receivers, we are constantly receiving information and then it's up to us to listen to that information and to turn it into wisdom. And our body is the tool that does this. 

Now, our body is also an amplifier. So it's an amplifier because what we choose to do with that wisdom, with that energetic language that we receive, is putting that information into aligned action and therefore becoming and creating that ripple effect into the world. So it's that larger integrative network of collective consciousness that we are all a part of. We receive and then we create our truth from what we receive and then we send out and we amplify. It's important to take care of our body, to feed it well, to nutritionally nourish our body, to move so that we don't become stagnant and to have a healthy relationship with our body, the next realm.

I'm going to tell you how each of these five elements of wealth line up with soul wisdom imprinting. First I'm going to list these five elements of living well, the five dimensions of the five energy bodies, the five dimensions of us as humans. And then I'm going to take you through the six steps of soul wisdom imprinting and how each of these steps aligns with the five elements of living well. So then we have the emotional, our emotional body which is where we store trauma, it's where we love, it's where we hurt. Then we move into the mental body or the mindset. 

Now I want to back up into the emotional body. Emotional freedom and emotional attachment is really the goal. Getting to a place where our emotions are not running the show. We witness them, but we are not consumed by them. Then we experience emotional freedom and then we move into our mental body, which is our mindset. We want to be always leaning into that growth mindset. This is what separates the good from the great, the amazing. A lot of people have the skills, gifts and talents to do good in the world and there's always going to be those sabotaging beliefs about ourselves that are going to keep us from that last 2%. And that's really what sets apart the top athletes in the world, the most successful business entrepreneurs. Then we move into financial peace because if you remember in the physical realm I said that we are amplifiers. Money is an energy that allows us to amplify your voice and our values and our work into the world. It allows us to contribute to the greater good of the collective consciousness through investing in our values. It's really a reflection of the human experience. It's an energy exchange of who you are and who you say you're becoming. Because where you put your money is a tangible and also energetic frequency that says what you value. So if you value health, nutrition, family, God, supporting other people, investing in your well being, travel, adventures, those are the choices that you get to make through the exchange, the energy exchange of money. And then we come to spiritual growth. And once we get to the apex, the embodiment of our soul frequency, the frequency of our higher self, the divine within us that we came into this life with once we come back full circle and align this physical form through our choice and action. Because we have a healthy relationship with our physical, emotional, mental body and also we are in healthy relationship with financial energy to give and receive, to be a part of the integrative collective network, to be in physical form and be in that exchange of co-creation. Money is just a language to do that. Then we get to grow and amplify into our sole purpose, our soul contract. What we came here to do and what I often see is that what we think it is is actually so much smaller than what it actually is. And I don't mean that in a way that you're not doing enough. What I mean is that for most people, our capacity to expand and really express the fullest expression of our soul is actually so much bigger than we are actually willing to see. There is just so much more available, so many more gifts and talents and possibilities that we're actually even capable of seeing. That's because the mindset piece, or maybe the emotional piece hasn't been cleared or maybe our physical body isn't thriving and we have toxic overload and so there's no clarity between the communication of the neurotransmitters from our gut. So it all matters.

I want to list the six steps to the Soul Wisdom imprinting process which is an energy alignment method. So it's how do we align this physical form, who is thriving physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and spiritually to that path of prosperity? Because prosperity, a life of prosperity, a life of abundance, in love, in health and longevity, in freedom and money. And not because money is the value, but it's the wealth of choice and freedom that people are speaking. It is a resource, it is to live resourced, resourced and loved, resourced in support, resources and nourished nutritionally, energetically and financially.

Our soul goes through the six steps of the Soul Wisdom imprinting process which is the energy alignment method to align the physical body to the soul frequency and of course, the first step to this is to awaken. You hear people have an awakening experience or a soul awakening. I'm here to tell you that you might have more than one. You've probably heard of the dark night of the soul. Maybe you've heard of the soul retrieval process where a fragment of the soul leaves the body because of trauma. And then there are people to support you, a shaman or some type of energy healer that can help you realign that fragmented, wounded part of the soul that escapes the body through the hole in the energy field because of trauma to help bring that back in and make that energy field whole again. We have an awakening moment, a come to Jesus Moment, a moment where you're on your knees and some of us have many. I've had more than one. First was a physical near death experience becoming a mother during birth. Second was an energetic, health crisis. So that soul awakening moment is either a breakdown in marriage, a relationship with a narcissist, a breakdown in your finances, losing your home, a health crisis, to name a few that I've supported women through that maybe you've experienced the loss of a child. I mean, these are hard things that people go through. Once we are in that space of awakening, we then move into the physical form, the physical body, where we align. 

So that second step is to align, to align the body wisdom with our values. This would be the embodiment and integrity of our truth. We live what we say, we value, we live our purpose. So we look at what's important to us and we live in alignment with that. Nothing more, nothing less. Then we move into the emotional attunement. Moving into emotional freedom is the third step, which is to attune. 

Attuning is an energetic frequency where we clear out old garbage. This is likely done through shadow work ,through removing your subconscious blocks and fears.This is kind of the heavy lifting it has to be in the beginning because it's sort of like excavating, excavating all of the dirt, the darkness, the trauma, cleaning it out. It's like thinking of doing a coffee enema or some type of detox or cleanse where you just clear out all the bile, all the sludge in the body and you start over. This is what we're doing on an emotional level. And as we come to the mental body,first we awaken, align, attune, then we attract. This is where our mindset, we step into that space because we've had that awakening moment. We're aligning our physical form and creating the vessel to hold a higher frequency, kind of like a soul upgrade, a higher frequency of our soul to live in. We start aligning to that. We attune it, we're cleaning out, we're doing the shadow work. Then we start to attract what we believe we become. This can be a little bit tricky because oftentimes what happens is, once we've done the inner work, we start to attract experiences bigger and better than we could even imagine. Before we committed to this inner work, whatever goals you had might have been small. And so then we get to ask ourselves again, like, am I really worthy of this? And that's why we kind of go back and forth between the emotional and the mental piece. We start to see results in our physical health. 

These are two of my favorite examples when I start to work with women. One, they either welcome love very quickly, within a week or two, it's happened so many times. And usually this person's subconscious desire. They say they want to let go of stress, but what they really want is love in their life and within two weeks of signing a contract to work with me, somehow it happens. It's because they're more open. They've said yes, and they're willing to receive. That's one of my favorite tangible results. The other one is financial abundance. I can't even explain it somehow, sometimes. Energetically. Because where we put our intention and energy, where our attention goes to energy flows, what we focus on expands. And something happens when we say, yes, I'm going to invest myself. I'm going to create change. Whatever area you're meant to create change into.

Next, if you're growing into the physical, emotional, mental, financial or spiritual, will start to expand when you are aligned, when you are ready. So we start to attract. We attract financial abundance. We attract a soulmate. I've worked with so many women over the years that through and I'm not saying it's me, it's just somehow it happens that all of a sudden they meet their soulmate and they get married while they're in one of my programs, or they get engaged, or they're attracting dream clients. They're getting health results that they're looking for, so they have more energy and confidence to then attract these things. 

So awaken align attune attract. And then from attracting, we start to see the results, which is awesome. We remain unattached to the results, but we start to see them. We begin to amplify. And this is financial piece. Because money is an amplifier. Our body is an amplifier. Money is an energy in which we amplify our truth. Our voice and values out into the world. If we value healthy foods, then we invest in healthy foods. If we value our health, we invest in health. If we value supporting others, we do this with our massage therapist, our facial, our acupuncture. We value our health and we value that person for their service. If we value travel and freedom, we get to invest in that. If we value saving pets, we get to invest in that. If we value education, we can invest in that. Money is a way that we get to say this is what I value. And we amplify the value of whatever that is into the world. So we're contributing to the value of what we are investing into the world. Because the more people that invest in what we value, the more of a value it comes culturally. So choose wisely. 

Amplify is the path to financial freedom. Through joy and authenticity, we get to do the work around our relationship to money. This is the amplifier piece because whatever energy you enter your relationship to money with is going to amplify if you haven't done the inner work first. If you live in scarcity, you will always have scarcity.  No matter how much money you make, you have to do the inner work first. I've had clients and witnessed women who go from 60,000 a year to seven figures and it's still never enough. And they can't hold the money, they can't physically tangible hold it because they don't know the value of themselves or the money or they don't have their values aligned to choose to invest wisely. 

And the 6th piece is when we come to Alchemy. So first we awaken to our soul's truth. For some of us, it's going to be a hard awakening. For others, it's just a moment of realizing that my current life is not working for me. Then we align our physical form through body wisdom and our values. By upgrading our soul through our health and well being. We attune through shadow work, removing subconscious blocks. We then begin to attract the higher version, the higher frequency of what we're stepping into. We no longer live who we were,but we step into who we're becoming. And then we begin to amplify because we have confidence and clarity. We start to amplify our life through choice, through freedom, allowing ourselves to receive wealth, prosperity, support. Then we come to Alchemize, the Alchemyof life, where you thrive in health, love, abundance, you're doing your soul work. It feels really good spiritual alignment to our soul wisdom. And we start to see that the fruits of our efforts are received. And there's a sweet spot of effortlessness. We're no longer pushing, we're no longer out of alignment. We're super clear on what we are and are not available for. And that, my friends, is how we align our life to our soul wisdom. That is the six step soul wisdom imprinting method. It is the path to prosperity through Five Elements of well Being: physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual. It's what we came here to do. It's what we came here to be.



Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

Energy Mastery through Expansion and Contraction


Soul Work: Cleanse, Detox and Declutter