Soul Work: Cleanse, Detox and Declutter

We're going to talk about how decluttering and cleansing in all areas of our life is good for the soul and why. You may even be noticing that if you're in a place of expansion right now, you might be noticing just kind of the need to cleanse and detox your house, to cleanse and detox your body, maybe even relationships. All of those things might be coming through for you. 

Are you noticing that when you go through a personal expansion, you expand in other areas of your life? And sometimes that is a calling for us to declutter the old and create space for the new. And I am just going to share with you that on the other side of that is absolute freedom and energy and vitality. So you might be familiar with Vata, Pita and Kapha, which have very different energetic constitutions, very different needs nutritionally. So really understanding that the body is an energetic and also physical body, and taking it beyond that and noticing that our home reflects our internal home. So if you look around in your home right now and you're noticing clutter and it's hard to concentrate, and you're noticing old things that you're still holding on to, it might be time for you to declutter. The one thing that I create is my foundation is clearing space, which I also like to call creating sacred space. It allows us to create space for something new. 

When we cleanse out the old kind of junk, the lower vibration. And being a person who guides people to create change in their life, whether it's in their health or their work or in their relationship with their own self worth, the place that we start is cleansing out old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve us. And this usually starts with, number one, our calendar. Right? So how many of you can relate to having too many to do things on the calendar? That's a great place to start creating space. The calendar, our house, our closets, maybe even our refrigerators. And just getting super clear about having things that feel good and are in alignment with their values and only those things. Because the more that we get clear on what our values are and what is important to us, then the more space we have for expansion. So if you notice that you have a closet full of clothes that you don't wear anymore, it might just be time for you to do a little purge and a little cleanse. If you notice that there are relationships in your life that are no longer congruent with your values and your beliefs and that feel toxic, then it might be time to lovingly let those relationships go. If you're feeling tired and bogged down and heavy and overwhelmed and stuck, there may be an opportunity for you to do some cleansing energetically through shadow work, through subconscious healing and reprogramming, and also physically in your body with healthy foods.I want to invite you to just explore with me a little bit why all these things matter. 

It's usually easy for people to start with the physical body first. So food and exercise are great ways to detox. It's a way that we can lose weight. It's a way that we can detox stress. It's a way that we can see results when we commit to those changes. And it's not enough. It's not everything we have to be willing to have healthy relationships with food and exercise, with our body, with all of the people that are in our lives. So that requires emotional empowerment. It requires that we actually explore and discover the triggers, or I like to call them activations. Once we get into a place in our life where we can recognize these patterns, they become activations, because we then have a choice, whereas a trigger is a little bit more trauma response. So if you're still in a place of being really triggered by what people say, what people do, then that is an invitation for you to lean in and get some support around either a coach or a therapist, depending on what the trauma response is, that comes up to help you to really get supported on understanding where this is coming from, how it's showing up in your life, and clearing those subconscious patterns and beliefs and fears that just keep showing up, because the energy around that is very dense. And sometimes we're holding on to energy that is karmic, generational. It is very much beliefs and thought patterns that have been in our family for generations that might feel out of alignment for us. And so it feels heavy. 

There's that part of really leaning into and clearing energy, and then there's also the physical space of really cleansing and decluttering in your physical home to create more clarity in your life. And what I have noticed over the years is this becomes, as we expand and grow in our personal life, we become less attached to material things, and we become very aware that we are a stand for certain things, and that those are the only things that we really, truly want in our lives. And it's also interesting to consider if you are somebody who maybe does have a lot of clutter in your life, maybe you do hold on to things and have a hard time letting go. Like, what is that about? Right? Thinking about the things that we need and the things that we want, the things that we hold on to, and then thinking about all the work that it takes to manage all those things. 

So I want to invite you just to consider for a moment whether it's your environment, the things that you own, or your inner space, your mental, emotional beliefs, your physical health with the food you eat, your energy, your subconscious beliefs. What in your life are you ready to clear space for? What are you ready to declutter? Because it is all related oftentimes, the people that feel like they have to hold on to everything and they just can't let go. I see this even in weight loss. Like, you can eat super healthy, but energetically, people can be totally afraid to let go emotionally. And then that makes it hard for them to lose weight or hard to let go of physical things in your house, because change is just too difficult. It takes a lot of trust, to trust in the future. So I invite you to just take a look around in your life and just notice, like, what in your life do you feel like you're still holding on to? What are you ready to let go of? What are you ready to step into? What beliefs, what foods, what physical things are you ready to let go and declutter in your life and create space for more vitality, more freedom, more vibrance, more healing, more energy, more love. All the things that actually really fill you up, right? Not the clothes that make you feel good, feel good without the things wear, the things that do make you feel good. But it's all about finding that within you first. So I want to invite you, to just think of the areas in your life where you might be willing to create a little space. Declutter, let go. So we talk about the physical. So through food. 

So asking yourself right now, what do you want to declutter? And why do we do this? Because it brings us clarity. It brings us clarity. So what are you willing to let go of? You could start with your closet. You could start with one drawer in your house. You could start with one cabinet in the kitchen. You could start with your refrigerator. So this is why it brings us clarity. It takes us out of consumer consciousness and into creator. And if you're still in consumer consciousness, constantly consuming everything, ask yourself, what am I really trying to fill here? Is there a void I'm trying to fill? Is there something I'm trying to avoid by consuming? Whether it's relationships, right? Like, you can consume relationships. If you're dating, you can consume food, be famished all the time. You can consume by just buying things. So what's really underneath this pattern? Take a step back. Set the intention to create a little space. Just taking that step back creates space. Just taking that breath creates space to clear your mind, your emotions, to bring in clarity, to become the creator, the creator of your life experience. And that's really why I want to encourage you. Ask yourself, what's an area of your life you're ready to declutter? Create space. Especially as we approach march. March is spring. The spring equinox is all about new beginnings. I invite you to check out my online courses, intuitive nourishment if you're ready to start with your physical body. If you're looking for a little bit of a deeper dive into the physical body and the emotional, check out the body wisdom course. The intuitive nourishment is a little bit more on the detox cleanse side. The body wisdom is nutritional support with emotional empowerment, some journaling and reflection as well. So I'd like to hear what practices do you have to keep clarity and sacred space in your home, in your body and in your relationships? 



Ready to take your life to the next level? Welcome more joy, ease and flow through a feminine approach to thriving in both your personal and professional life?

Expand into 5 Element Wellth and Prosperity

Jen Mons is an author, speaker, mentor and coach for high achieving purpose driven ready to shift the paradigm of feminine leadership and redefine excellence and wealth through 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Journaling and Soul Wisdom Imprinting.

Jen Mons

Jen is a speaker, author, mentor, and international retreat facilitator for purpose driven female leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to build a business they love around a life they love and create a robust income that provides more joy, time, and financial freedom through transformational retreat offerings. She guides women from hustling to alignment, overwhelm to overflowing, and doubt to clarity and confidence in their business and personal life by activating their gifts, upgrading their wealth blueprint, and sharing her wisdom on the art of feminine leadership through the prosperous retreat blueprint and somatic retreat facilitation certification. Jen is a former high achieving graduate from USMMA, corporate engineer turned holistic health, life and embodiment coach, meditation, yoga, breath work teacher, and energy healer to redesign her clients energetic imprint from subconscious blocks to embody their soul wisdom and upgrade their wealth blueprint through prosperity consciousness. Her clients see results like sold out retreats, optimal wellbeing, increased financial freedom, healthy relationships, and energy management to create more peace, freedom, joy and connection in their lives. She has been on the leading edge of the coaching industry since 2009 and facilitated workshops and retreats locally and internationally since 2014. Jen is host of The Body & Soul Wisdom Podcast, creator of The Feminine Leadership Method โ„ข, Embodied Feminine CEO, 5 Element Wellth, Prosperity, Soul Wisdom Imprinting, and Embodied Feminine Retreats.

The Energy Alignment Method: Body & Soul


Vulnerability is the Gateway to Your Potential