Welcome to my Blog
A Journey through the Chakras
The chakra system is a system of being described as energy centers throughout the body that start from our sacrum and go up to our crown or the top of our head and beyond that really allow us to integrate within our own existence, our own body to the world around us.
Busy Does Not Equal Important
How we keep ourselves busy and we make things hard because that's how we feel valued and important.
The Art of Self Love
What ways in your life are you putting everything and everyone else first?
Stop Investing in Your Busyness
Stop Investing in your busy-ness, aka your business. It's time to invest in yourself.
Create Sacred Space
Create Sacred Space, this is where everything begins. This is the foundation.
Let Fear Be Your Guide
Let fear be the catalyst for creating change in your life. How to transform your fears into empowering one and how it can be the catalyst for creating change.
The Energy of Prosperity
What if I could put prosperity in one word? It's trust. Scarcity is a lack of trust. What prosperity is not, it is not success because everybody defines success differently.
Embodied Healing & Empowered Living
I'm going to share one of my favorite topics, pathways to embodied healing and empowered living. These pathways are part of a twelve level program that I work through in my mentorship program.
There is No Such Thing as Overconfidence
This conversation is really about being curious about the phrase that there's no such thing as overconfidence.
The Future of Healing is in the Teaching of Self Healing
The future of healing is in the teaching of self healing. What does that mean? True self healing is accessing that inner wisdom of knowing when, what, where and how to tap into the resources that are already available for you.
From Excuses to Clarity with Truth and Compassion
Today, we are going to dive into the energy and the clarity of excuses and indecisiveness and how this can show up for some of us as a cycle of self sabotage.
Anti-Hustle Culture
So I'm just going to take a stance and say I'm pretty anti-hustle, anti-boss babe, anti the whole feminine energy of the hustler boss babe. If you're calling yourself this, there's no judgment against that. I'm just saying that for me, those words don't resonate. I want to invite you to a different conversation.
The Energy of Self Worth
We've been diving into energy and the flow of our lives and the things that we can do to live in alignment with the natural flow that we seek in our lives. This is really the secret to feeling energized in your life, to letting go of the overwhelm, the exhaustion and the emotions of self doubt and unworthiness.
How to Disengage from Disempowering Language
We're going to bring the conversation to disempowering language and the importance of disengaging and disconnecting from that disempowering language.
Top 3 Gratitude Blocks
We're going to talk today about gratitude. The more that you are grateful for what you already have, the more you open up to receiving, more to be grateful for because you shift your perception of your daily life.
Energy Loves Clarity
So, what does energy loves clarity even mean? If we talk about money in the sense of energy, if we just assume or we become curious that everything in our world is energy, food is energy, thoughts are energy, money is energy. Everything is an exchange of energy.
Live in Your Natural Energy Flow
How do you feel about your relationship with energy? What does it mean to you? How does it show up in your life?
Are Your Goals and Roles Serving You?
Prosperity is embodied trust. It's that trust that you're always on time. You're right where you need to be. You are open, ready, willing and available to receive with discernment. You are confident and clear to stay on your aligned path.
Navigating Decision and Aligned Action from a Healthy Place
Whatever that decision is that you're navigating right now, give yourself some time to create space, but don't sit in the indecision. And the key is to practice this every day. So when you're met with the decision, you don't have to sit with it because that's the law of diminishing intention.
This blog is to educate, inside, and inform the readers and listeners of various pathways to living well. This information is not to replace the advice of your physician, specialist, medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician. Please refer to full Medical Disclaimer Here.